Chapter 22

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"Breakfast is ready!" Wu called up the stairs. Then he headed back into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of pancakes. He pushed the dining room doors open and set the plate in the center of the dining table. Then he sat down on his chair and waited for the others.

But for a long time no one appeared.

Wu tapped his fingers on the table when finally he heard the sound of footsteps. He looked toward the stairs to see his brother slumping down the steps. The sensei's shoulders sagged and he let out a sigh as he sank into his chair.

Wu stared at him. "Where are the others?" he inquired.

Garmadon's gaze was unfocused and he only shrugged.

Frowning, Wu rose to his feet and walked over to the stairs. "Anyone hungry?" he called.

But there was no reply.

Frustrated, he headed up the steps.

He turned toward the eastern side first until he reached the spot where Zane and Kai patrolled. He found Zane lying on the floor with Kai laying on top of him. They were fast asleep. Rubbing his beard, Wu turned and headed for the western wing.

There he found Jay still standing upright, but his head was lowered and he was snoring. Wu gazed down the hall to see Nya sprawled out on a couch, also fast asleep. He sighed and turned back toward the stairs.

"Looks like it's just me and you, Brother," Wu sighed as he reached the dining room.

Then he halted to see Garmadon's head resting limply on the table. Wu let out another sigh and sat in his seat. "Or just me."

* * *

Lloyd grunted as he leaped over the big ax coming to slice him. Immediately after he got to his feet, he ducked as another saw came from behind. In a flash, he rolled out from under and drew out That Sword, blocking a laser that shot out from the trees. He then swiped his sword at multiple lasers as they continually shot at him.

He did a backward flip across a crevice in the ground and whipped around to find multiple robots with spears, ready to attack him. He bunched his muscles and jumped upward as all the robots charged at him at once. He conjured an energy ball between his hands and slammed it in the center as he landed on the ground again.

The robots flew backward, but not for long. Lloyd swiped That Sword at them as they rushed at him again. He kicked one behind him and punched one off his shoulder. Grunting, he twisted and managed to pierce one with its own spear. As a spear shot at him, he jumped to the side and sliced the robot who held it. Then he grabbed the spear, stuck it into the ground, and flew over the rest of the robots.

He didn't waste a second as he raced through the trees again. A steep cliff was up ahead, blocking the way. Quickly, Lloyd formed an energy ball and shot it at the surface, sending him flying upward. He landed on top of the cliff with a thud. Not stopping to catch his breath, he continued through the forest as three flying ships started shooting at him. He threw energy balls at them, managing to hit two until they exploded into flames.

Hissing when pain suddenly shot through him, he grasped his arm as a laser struck it. Frustration built inside of him. Ignoring the pain, he raced up a tall rock and leaped onto the ship. It staggered in the air at the sudden weight. Grabbing the side, Lloyd slipped down the top and crashed through the window. He sliced That Sword at the robot driving it and the robot completely ripped in half. Satisfied, Lloyd ran across the ship and, breaking the other window, leaped through it as the ship began to crash. He tumbled to the ground and steadied himself on one knee.

Eyebrows furrowed fiercely, he panted and shook sweat off his face.

"Not bad."

Lloyd rose to his feet as Ariana came through the trees.

"Broke your record," she reported.

Lloyd smirked, satisfied. "That's what I'm here to do, right?"

The forest suddenly dissipated until it reverted back to the training room. The partners left the building and walked back onto the streets.

"Getting ready for tonight?" Ariana asked.

Lloyd cracked his knuckles. "Can't wait," he replied. "I've waited long enough."

"We all have." Ariana glanced sideways at Lloyd. The green ninja had grown and strengthened a lot since the first day he joined them. His muscles rippled underneath his clothes and he always carried a tough expression; he was definitely a lot stronger and fiercer than he used to be. He now wore a dark green suit with strikes of black and gray, along with tough, spiked shoulder-blades and a matching mask. Slick black boots rose up to his knees and he wore black gloves to top it off. The new clothes fit him well. He's really growing, Ariana thought with an admiring glance at him. She knew he wasn't just a boy anymore. He was a real Baddie—strong, muscular, and mean.

But although he didn't show it, inside Lloyd was fizzing with energy. He couldn't wait to make the ones who hurt him pay. But then his mind drifted back to the vision he had seen of his father. Although he tried to push away the image, he couldn't help but wonder why Garmadon was so distressed. Did something happen to him? he wondered.

Aware of Ariana beside him, he suppressed his groan of frustration. Why do I still feel something for my dad? he wondered. He never really loved me, so why should I?

But the disturbing image wouldn't leave his mind, and a prickle of worry crept down Lloyd's spine as he thought about tonight.

If I see my dad tonight, will I be able to face him?

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Darkness from Within #3: Bound for Evil (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now