Chapter 12

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Cole shifted and opened his eyes to see someone standing over him. As his vision cleared, he made out the sharp blade of a sword lifted above him, ready to slice him right in half. With a jerk, he rolled out of bed as the sword crashed down at him. He jumped to his feet and turned toward his attacker.

He didn't recognize her, mostly because of the darkness of the night and her disguise, but he could clearly see the blaze in her eyes as she stalked toward him, sword at hand.

Cole didn't know why he was being attacked, but he quickly grabbed his scythe without hesitation.

The attacker lunged at him and he dodged out of the way just in time. He swiped his scythe at her, but she blocked it with her sword. Grunting, she heaved Cole away from her and did a backwards flip onto the bed. Cole raced for her again and their weapons clashed.

Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!

Their weapons collided with each other as they fought around the room, neither of them landing a blow on the other. Cole grunted and managed to heave his attacker away from him. She staggered on her feet before lunging at him again. He gasped as she barreled into him. Locked together, they rolled around the room, struggling to land a blow on the other. Then the attacker pinned Cole to the ground and lifted her sword to slice him. Thinking fast, Cole kicked out his legs at his attacker's and rolled out from under her. Gripping his scythe tighter, he rushed for her, but she quickly whipped around and blocked the blow with her sword.

Cole pressed down at her with all his strength. He began to feel hopeful as he felt his attacker weakening under his force. Then suddenly, she slipped forward and Cole fell face-first to the floor.


Before he had time to move, excruciating pain suddenly burst from his leg. He gasped as he realized his attacker had stabbed her sword into his leg. Hissing with pain, Cole twisted and punched her in the jaw, leaving her and her sword staggering backward. Cole shakily got to his feet again, wincing with pain as he saw blood drip onto the ground.

Then his attacker lunged at him again. He struggled to keep up with her blows on his shaky feet. As she struck her sword at him, he ducked, rolled, and jumped to his feet whilst swiping his scythe at her legs, tripping her.

Panting, Cole hovered his scythe above her as he stood over her triumphantly. Her eyes suddenly flashed, and Cole made out a smirk underneath her mask. He blinked in confusion, but before he could understand what was happening it was too late.

Cole gasped as he was suddenly barreled to the ground from behind. Struggling to heave the weight off of him, he looked up to see another person in the same suit as the first. Oh, great! he thought. Now there's two of them!

Grunting, he pushed the second attacker off of him and jumped to his feet. Both attackers stalked toward him, each holding a sword. Furrowing his eyebrows, Cole readied his scythe to defend himself.

They lunged at him all at once.

Cole grunted as he blocked a blow from one of them and ducked away from the other. He jumped against the wall and leaped over the two, but he landed clumsily as his wounded leg started to buckle underneath him.

A weight crashed into him, knocking him to the ground. With a grunt, Cole twisted and somehow managed to heave his attacker off of him. He quickly rolled out of the way as another sword struck down at him. As he leaped to his feet again, he noticed that he was empty-handed. With a gasp, he realized he had dropped his scythe in the fight and the first attacker now held it in her hand. Great! he thought. Now I'm out-numbered and unarmed!

Darkness from Within #3: Bound for Evil (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ