Chapter 15

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The senseis once again found themselves discussing the recent events. Garmadon was sitting on a couch just outside the hospital room as Wu paced the floor in front of him. Garmadon stole a quick glance inside the hospital every now and then where Kai sat beside Cole, staring at the unconscious ninja intensely.

    "From what I've heard from Jay, this seems to be the work of Lloyd," Wu began.

    Garmadon ran his fingers through his hair. "But how could he?" he choked out. "How could my son do such a horrid thing to Cole? He practically left him half-dead on the floor!"

    Wu sighed. "I do not know, Brother," he murmured. "But I think we now know how dangerous Lloyd has become. He's not just a boy with a short temper anymore. He's a real threat."

    Garmadon closed his eyes and lowered his head, heart breaking in two.

    Wu stopped in his pacing and glanced at his broken brother sympathetically. He sat beside him and laid his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Brother," he murmured. "But Lloyd just isn't what he used to be."

    Garmadon shook his head. "I don't understand," he whispered. "How could this happen?"

    Wu knew there was nothing he could do to heal his brother's wounds. It would only take time.

    Garmadon lifted his head again. His voice was steady as he spoke, but the grief was clear in his gaze. "Why did he come back?" he wondered. "He wouldn't have just attempted murder for nothing!"

    Before Wu could reply, Jay walked up to them. He twiddled his fingers nervously. "Uh... Sensei?" he stammered. "I can't find my nunchucks."

    Wu blinked at him. "Your elemental ones?"

    Jay nodded. "I haven't seen them since... since Lloyd knocked me out."

    Wu and Garmadon exchanged a glance.

    "Do... do you think he stole them?" Garmadon suggested quietly.

    Wu turned back to Jay. "What about Cole's scythe?" he asked.

    "I looked," Jay said. "But it was gone."

    Wu got to his feet again. "There's your answer, Brother," he murmured. "The Overlord is after the four elemental weapons."

    Garmadon bit his thumb as Wu started pacing again. "Then he already has two out of four."

    "If the Overlord gets all four, he'll be unstoppable," Wu went on. "We can't let that happen." He glanced at Jay. "Jay, go and find Zane's shurikens and Kai's sword. We'll have to keep them well hidden and well guarded from now on."

    The blue ninja nodded and raced down the hall.

    "The Overlord will be back for the last two," Garmadon stated.

     "How do you think we should handle this, Brother?" Wu asked. "You know the Overlord better than the rest of us."

    Garmadon scratched his chin. "From what I know, the Overlord is impatient and wants his power as soon as possible," he started. "He'll most likely be back tonight to steal the other two." He paused for a moment. "Jay said there were two thieves, right?"

    Wu nodded. "One was Lloyd, he said."

    "The other must've been Ariana," Garmadon went on. "The Overlord always finds someone else to do his dirty work."

    "So we must be prepared to fight against two well-trained ninja," Wu put in. "We mustn't let our guard down. We mustn't let them get the last elemental weapons."

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