Chapter 11

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The moon shone high in the night sky. The crickets chirped loudly in the grass, as if trying to warn someone—or more than one someone—of the danger coming their way. But it was too late to warn them now. The ninja would be fast asleep in their monastery by then, completely unsuspecting of any sort of visitors.

Lloyd stood on the ridge just outside Baddie Bend, staring into the distance. Furrowing his eyebrows, he straightened up and slipped on a black mask. Showtime.

He glanced sideways at Ariana, who had slipped on her own mask. Her eyes blazed like fire, and Lloyd knew she was ready to do what was necessary. Her determination sent reassurance rushing through him and he turned back to the forest. It's time I teach the ninja a lesson.

With a nod to each other, the two skidded down the ridge and pelted into the forest. They both had put on pure black suits and matching black masks to hide their identity. Lloyd had That Sword firmly placed onto his back while Ariana held her own sword.

Lloyd only felt his exhilaration rise the closer they got to his old home. It's all coming together now, he thought, a menacing grin on his face. It's time to have some fun!

At last, they came to the monastery. The two slowed their pace as they came to the courtyard walls.

Lloyd looked up. "We can get in through my old room," he suggested. He took the lead as they followed the same route up the walls he had used the first time he snuck into the monastery.

He paused as he reached the windowsill to the hospital room. As Ariana climbed up behind him, he stole a quick glance inside. It was empty. Dad and Kai must be recovering, he thought, furrowing his eyebrows. That means the ninja are only getting stronger.

Lloyd and Ariana leaped the last ledge and reached the window to Lloyd's room. It was still wide open.

"Guess they're hoping you come back," Ariana chuckled as she hopped inside after him.

Lloyd gazed around the room. "And I am," he murmured. "Just not in the way they wanted." He nodded toward the door and began heading toward it. "We'll have to be extra quiet from here on out. Sensei has ears like a bat."

Ariana stared at him. "Sensei?"

Lloyd scoffed. "Sensei... Uncle... they're just words," he muttered. "Now let's get going."

Clearly taking charge of the mission, he slipped out of his old room and peered down the hallway.

No one was in sight.

He signaled to Ariana and the two began slinking down the hall.

So far, so good. Lloyd spotted Cole's door farther down the hall. We'll be in and out.

Just as he thought they were gonna make it, a floorboard creaked underneath his foot. He drew his foot up sharply and stepped over the unstable floorboard. Dang it...

Ariana shot him a glare and the two froze, listening for any sound of another person. After another minute or two, they continued on.


They froze again as a light turned on and the door beside them creaked open. Before they could hide, Jay stepped out of his room. He rubbed his eyes as he looked at the two, frozen in their walk.

"Cole, is that you?" he yawned. He blinked sleep from his eyes and suddenly jolted in alarm. His gaze flicked from Ariana to Lloyd. "Th-there's two," he murmured. His eyes widened. "Thieves!"

Lloyd nodded to Ariana and then to Cole's door as Jay headed for the alarm system. Ariana dipped her head in understanding and raced for Cole's room. Lloyd turned toward Jay and, bunching his muscles, lunged at the ninja, barreling him over before he could alert the house.

Darkness from Within #3: Bound for Evil (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now