Chapter 10

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The next day, Garmadon and Kai moved back to their rooms. Pixal said they'd be alright if they took it easy. Kai still couldn't breathe as easily and Garmadon still held an ugly mark on his head, but all they needed was rest.

Wu watched as the two came down together for lunch. He noticed Kai was rubbing his stomach, as if he was in pain. But Kai's stomach wound hasn't bothered him in a while, he thought suspiciously.

The red ninja looked anxious as he gazed at the family around the table, but Garmadon murmured a few words to him and he seemed to calm down. Wu raised an eyebrow as his brother sat beside him.

"You two seem close," he commented as they started their meal.

Garmadon's eyes flashed. "Uh... yeah," he murmured. "I mean, we've been in the hospital room together for a while."

Wu could clearly see the unease in his brother's eyes as he gazed at him disbelievingly. "His stomach seems to be bothering him again," he added casually.

Garmadon's head shot toward Kai in alarm. Wu saw his brother stare at the ninja for a minute, then relax again.

"Is there something I should know about?" he pressed.

Garmadon shifted his feet. "I should've known you'd suspect something," he muttered. "But I can't tell you."

"Why?" Wu inquired.

Garmadon hesitated. "I-it's... personal," he offered. "I don't want to make Kai uncomfortable."

Wu sighed. "I don't like all these secrets, but if it's that important..."

Garmadon nodded hastily before turning back to his meal. Wu frowned and looked across the table to see Kai staring at them. The ninja's gaze was anxious, and he looked away when he realized Wu was looking at him.

I've seen Kai nervous, Wu thought. But this is different. It's not fearful, but rather... self-conscious. He shook his head and continued his meal. I guess it's none of my business.

But still, uncomfortableness swarmed through him at the thought of keeping secrets from each other. If I learned anything from our situation right now, it's that secrets only lead to trouble.

* * *

Later that day, the four ninja were out training in the courtyard. Jay and Zane were skirmishing with each other, while Cole and Kai were using the obstacle courses. Cole ran around the moving track, ducking and jumping around the things flying at him. Kai was messing with the pole with sticks, although he barely paid attention. He was staring at Cole the whole time.

Cole felt self-consciousness bloom inside of him as he felt Kai's intense gaze on him. The red ninja had been like that the whole day. What's his problem? Cole thought. Why won't he stop watching my every move?

So caught up in his thoughts, the black ninja didn't remember to duck and an obstacle hit him in the face. "Oof!"

He stumbled off the track with a grunt and rubbed his head, frustrated with himself.


Cole turned at the sudden gasp as Kai raced over to him. The red ninja's eyes were wide with panic. "Are you okay?"

He stared at the black ninja with concern as Cole rose to his feet. "I'm fine, Kai," Cole said, a bit confused. "It happens all the time."

Kai started breathing heavily, clearly not believing he was okay. Cole watched in surprise as he spotted sweat rolling down Kai's face. "You don't look so good yourself," the black ninja murmured.

Darkness from Within #3: Bound for Evil (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now