Chapter 35

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The next week I had gotten a call from Stephanie McMahon saying I would participate in a match on RAW. Since the merging of the companies both companies have been wrestling on each show. Me, the Bellas (ugh), Cameron, Summer, Angelina, Rebel, and Taryn, in a 8 on 1 handicap match. Now, I wanted to destroy Morgan for hurting Jeff like she did, but this might have been going too far.

Once we all went out, we attacked Morgan. She wasn't putting up much of a fight and that both satisfied and concerned me. All of the other Divas and Knockouts came out and started fighting with us. I kept sneaking glances at Morgan, because she was struggling to stand.

Someone came to pick her up and my attention went back to the action...

After the match, I went back to the locker room, where my cellphone was ringing. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, BITCH!?" I sighed, it was Jeff.

"What, Hardy?" I said rolling my eyes, waiting to see what he'd blame me for.

"Morgan has been arrested, and you probably did something to get her arrested, now what did you do!?"

I was shocked. Morgan was arrested?

"I didn't do anything Jeff I swear! I don't know that Morgan had even been arrested! I just wanted to hurt her for hurting you!"

"I don't need protecting! Especially by someone like you...she was arrested for drugs..." he trailed off.

"Wait, drugs!?" I said shocked. But then again I shouldn't be. I mean, she would get hooked on them eventually.

"Yes!" he yelled in my ear. "You know, I've thought you'd change. But now I know you have some weird sick obsession with me and I don't want any part of it anymore!" He hung up the phone and I dropped it out of shock.

I did have a problem...and it was love...

*Katy's POV*

I had gotten the call from Matt that Morgan had been arrested for drugs. I looked through the security tapes to see if there was any instance of Morgan taking drugs. There wasn't, but what I saw looked very incriminating.

Morgan had ran into Kane backstage and he jabbed what looked to be a needle into her arm. He spoke to her and ran off, and Morgan looked freaked out, holding her arm.

I took the tape and went back to the hotel, looking for Matt. I gave him the tape before he and Jeff went to go see Morgan. Jeff looked ready to kill someone. I heard him yelling on the phone when I came in and Ryah sounded like she was on the other end. He was yelling at her saying that she had an obsession with him and he didn't want any part of it anymore. He hung up and stared at me. He probably thought I was gonna kill him for talking to my sister like that, but with her antics these days, who knows what could've happened. 

"Ryah didn't do a thing, Jeff. Kane did," I said handing Matt the tape. "Morgan was drugged."

"Should we go to Dixie with this?" Matt asked.

"I would, maybe she can go to McMahon and get the Authority fired. No doubt they put him up to it. But first we need to go get Morgan out of jail. Who's gonna bail her out?"

Jeff stood up. "I will."

I looked at him, Jeff was probably the last person that Morgan wanted to see right now. "Are you sure? I mean, Matt or I could--"

"I love her, she belongs with me. So I should be the one to do it." Jeff walked over to the door. "If you guys are coming, let's go."

I stared at Matt and he stared at me before walking out the door behind Jeff.

When we got there, I went in and walked over to where Morgan was being held. I sighed and called her name. She looked over at me with the most defeated expression ever.

"Jeff paid bail. Now, come on." The cop walked up and lead Morgan to where her stuff was. Morgan wouldn't look at me the whole time. I was starting to get worried sick about her. Normally, things like this wouldn't bother her, because of the way she is, but there was something different about her, like she needed the comfort of someone...

And I knew just that someone...

After her stuff was handed to her, she and I walked over to where Jeff and Matt were. Jeff and Morgan locked eyes. Me and Matt stepped out so that they could have their privacy.

How Everything ChangedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant