Chapter 26

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I told Morgan everything: from Gail Kim, to feeling horrible, to the last moments that led to the coma. She reacted like that's how the world treated her. I apologized to her, and told her that she should've gone with Jeff. And that's when she screamed that her life was a living hell and every decision she made was a bad one. It tore me up inside.

I hugged her and tried to hold my own tears back. She didn't hug me back, but she continued to cry.

Katy showed up and walked over to me and Morgan. She looked at Morgan, who looked back at her.

Katy looked at me, "Who's the chick?"

I looked back at Katy, "Morgan, Jeff's ex."

She looked like she wanted to kill her all of a sudden. But she tried to restrain herself as best as she could as we walked back into the room.

A pair of green eyes stared at all of us....

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