Chapter 24: Heartbreak

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"You know what, I'm sorry for ever answering the phone. I've got something that I've got to do. Bye, Jeff." Click.

I watched as Jeff put down his phone and he turned to look at me. Before any words were shared, Ruby came down with her suitcase. Beth was coming to get her today since Matt was out in the UK.

"Daddy!" She ran up and hugged his leg, JJ following behind. I chuckled and bent down to pick both of them up.

"What's wrong with Daddy," JJ said, looking at Jeff. He looked like he was trying to scream.

"Nothing, he's just having a bad day," I said, ruffling both of the kid's hair. "Go play." I sat both of them on the floor and they ran off.

Once they did, I looked at Jeff. Much like I did when he ran inside my hotel room all those years ago, I sat him down, grabbed a pillow and watched as he yelled into it.

He yelled into it for a good few minutes, and tossed the pillow aside. He then got up and stormed towards the key rack, grabbed the keys to his cat and stormed out, all without looking at me.

A few hours passed and Jeff still hadn't been home. I was cooking dinner and had gotten a call from an unknown number.


"Ryah Hemmons?"


"This is the local hospital. Your fiancé had been in an accident."

I dropped the food...Jeff had been in an accident.

"How serious?"

"It's pretty bad, he wasn't responsive when we got to him." (I'm feeling sick writing this) "You're one of his emergency contacts?"


My eyes snapped open as a plan formulated in my head.

"The other contact is Morgan Borden."

"Okay and the number and relation?"

"Sister, *insert random number here*"

"Okay, we'll inform her."

I hung up on him and immediately grabbed the kids and raced up to the hospital.

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