Chapter 14: "Falling" in Love with You (PART 1)

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I was scared. Why? Because cage match. Why cage match? Because Jeff Hardy. Why Jeff Hardy? Because he fell from the damn cage, that's why.

He has been out for 10-15 minutes now and I was starting to get very concerned. I looked in the window of the male locker room, Madison and Gail standing next to me. Gail grabbed my shoulder and Madison was rubbing my back.

From inside, everyone had a concerned look on their face. Hell, even Tommy Dreamer, who did crazy things in his career, was concerned.

But none were more concerned than me. You might be asking yourself, "Ryah, why are you concerned? You haven't been exactly concerned with him since the last time." That's not true. We actually were slowly becoming friends again after everything that has happened. I let him see JJ again, that was a start. But as far as a relationship goes...well, after tonight I don't know if I can bare living the rest of my life without him.

Gail took me and Madison to where Taryn was. We were told to go out there and wrestle to distract everyone from the horrible thing that just happened. It was for the Knockout's Title. Something I had wanted since I lost it in 2011. But I couldn't bring myself to be happy, nor focused on the match.

About 20 minutes later, I walked back to the locker room, title in tact. You didn't think that just because I couldn't focus doesn't mean I didn't have the confidence to win, did you? You're silly guys! ☺️

I walked in the locker room and saw Jeff was just still unconscious. So, I started talking to him. Hey, it beat my original plan of slapping him awake. I had a history of doing that to people.

"Guess what?" I told the prone body. "I won the title." I knew he could hear me. He wasn't in a coma or anything. "I couldn't focus tonight. All I could do was worry about you. But, the fans helped me through it. So that's a bonus." I smiled and kissed his lips. My eyes snapped open and I jerked away. "Oh my god, I'm so..."

"No, don't be..."

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