Chapter 38

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*Katy's POV*

I was out shopping with Matt, as we did every weekend. I find it hilarious that Matt always acts like he has something to do, when he doesn't and I force him to come with me anyway.

I felt my phone start to vibrate, and I throw my bags on top of Matt as I answer. He promptly throws them on the ground and says that I need to hurry up because his pregnant wife needs him. Ha! We've left Reby alone for hours on end and she had been fine.

"What?!" My attention was to the caller, telling me that Matt's house was on fire. I paled and I grabbed Matt and ran out.

"What's wrong?!" Matt yelled as he tried to loosen my grip on him.

"Your house is on fire!"

"ARE JEFF AND MORGAN IN THERE?!" Matt practically yelled, getting the attention of a few fans. That's the last thing we need is to get bombarded with shouting.

"No, they went to the bowling alley. I suggest you call Jeff and let him know what's going on," I tossed him my phone and got in the car. I drove us back to his place while Matt called Jeff.

When we got there, Jeff and Morgan were already there. Looking on in shock. I came up behind Morgan and let her cry. She yelled how they took her engagement ring.

Jeff handed me the note and didn't look too pleased with my presence.

I read the note and my heart stopped;

Stop using him!


RH? I thought. Then it hit me. Ryah...

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