Chapter 15: "Falling" in Love with You (part two)

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"No don't be..."

The tired voice broke my thoughts as I looked down. My first instinct was to get Matt and a trainer, but I decided to stay for a few more minutes.

"What happened? Did we win?" was the first thing Jeff asked.

"No, but that's okay. At least you're alive." I ruffled his hair, and suddenly it got serious. "How could you do something like that? How could you agree to go through with that?"

"What did I do?" he asked. I guess some of the memory was gone.

"You fell off the cage door. Onto steps."


"Oh is right. You have a kid waiting for you and I'm the only one that provides for him. The least you could do is stay alive so you can watch him grow up."

"I'm sorry, Ry." He turned away from me for a few minutes. He then got up, fell, and got up again to go to the showers. I took this opportunity to go find Matt.

I found him, with a girl I didn't recognize and a little girl who looked a little bit like Jeff and the woman, but I couldn't tell.

"Matt! Jeff's awake!"

Both girls and Matt turned at my voice.

"Matt,who's that?" the woman asked.

"Ryah Hemmons."

"Oh so that's Jeff's past lover?"

"Yes, current actually. Why, who the hell are you?" I got in her face. The little girl stared at me and told me to back up from her. I did so, slightly.

"I'm his wife, Beth."


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