Chapter 9: Whose Kid Is This?

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"Momma who is this?"

I looked at JJ and back at Jeff, who looked at me. Jeff looked at JJ then back at me. "Who is this?"

"I'm JJ!" the 3 year old smiled up at him. I picked him up and took him into the other room. I sat him down on the bed.

"Now, JJ, I need to talk to the man alone. There are some things that you just can't know yet." I kissed him on the forehead, covered him up with his blanket and walked back into the room. Jeff was still staring at the bed where JJ was.

"Whose kid is that, Ryah?" He looked up at me and glared.

I bit my lip and sat him down. "He's yours, Jeff."

"He is?"

"Yes, I found out the day you cheated on me."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Kinda hard to top you cheating on me!"

"So? That's bigger than this, Ryah!"

"No, it's not. I want my boy to be happy with a father who didn't cheat on him."

"And it isn't Adam, and I told you I didn't cheat. I told you that Trish found me drunk."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea I know, it's a cover up, remember?" I wasn't giving in. Never.

He grabbed my hand. "You are more important to me than Trish ever was."

"JJ is more important to me than some guy." I pull out of his grasp. "I don't want you anywhere near my son. Or me. Stop stalking me!"

"What makes you think I'm stalking you?!"

"All the phone calls and texts, and having Matt come over and try to talk to me. It was all in vain. Face it, you're old news and now it's time for me to move on and for you to do the same." I got in his face.

He took that opportunity to kiss me. "Deep down...I the same...about me," he said between kisses.

The truth was, I missed him, but I had to be strong for JJ....I had to...I needed to....damn...I was falling again....falling...ahh screw it.

I kissed him back for a really long time. The lights went off and...well you know.

A few hours later and I was awoken by JJ's calling for me. I got dressed quickly and ran into the bedroom. JJ fell on the floor and I was asleep. Who knows how long he was down there.

"Baby! Oh my god!" I ran over to him and picked him up. He had a little gash on his forehead and was unconscious.

"Oh god. Jeff!"

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