Chapter 21: Title Win

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I walked through the backstage area of OMEGA and sat my bags down. Tonight was the night that Jeff and Matt, along with 3 others, were fighting for a championship.

Jeff and I were in the locker room, going through random stuff he wanted to get rid of. Junk food, candy, pictures of him and Morgan...that sort of thing.

When it was time for him to go on, I gave him a kiss for good luck. We still weren't together, but it was a ritual I did before every championship match.

"Good luck, CE," I said (CE=Charismatic Enigma. You try writing that 5 times lol) and went out with him.

At one point in the match, Matt had one guy in a figure 4, while Jeff held the guy's arms back. Another guy had Matt in a sleeper and the next guy had that guy in a sleeper and so did Tommy. It was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.

In the end, it came down to Matt vs Jeff. He won. Ya know, I bet Morgan wishes she was here right now, celebrating with him. Guess that knockouts title was more important than Jeff was, wasn't it MorganJHardy365 ??

At any rate, I got in and celebrated with Jeff. I felt proud to be standing next to him after everything that's happened. I just hope Morgan realizes what a mistake she's made.

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