Chapter 18: Shocker!!

Start from the beginning

''Im an only child, I live with both my parents and my girlfriend'' Marvel tells us. ''Wait didn't you say...'' he cuts me off. I thought he loved Glimmer. ''I do, but I love her more then my girlfriend''. I nod, what a player. ''Well both my parents are dead, I live with my 20 year old brother, he's handicape, that's why I volounteered, so if I win I can give him the life he always wanted'' Rayna tells us.

''Hey guys'' Cato says as he takes a seat next to me. ''Hi'' we all mumble Glimmer practically sits on his lap, he looks like he's not enjoying it. '' I was thinking that we could do the obstacle course after lunch'' Cato says and we all agree.


I sneer ar another weak tribute falls onto the floor. Cato and I last to go, Marvel and Glimmer were first. Rayna is done so is little Rue, she smiles at me. I realize that its my go. ''Go get em'' Cato whispers. I smile and run. I jump onto the first block.

I quickly jump onto the secong block and then the third. A man starts swinging a sword at my feet. I jump up and pupl my knees yo my chest. When I reach the ground I'm gone again. I put my hands down on the block which is a meter apart and swing my lrgs over my head and end up in the crab. I quickly get to the halfway. I can breathe now.

The next to brocks are free so I jump on them and ehen I make it to the third a man swings a mace at me. I scramble backwards then race forward. The last man has some sort of chain, he aims it to my head. I quickly spread my legs and bend my knees, I just miss it. I then jump off the blocks and make my way over to Rayna, Marvel and Glimmer.

'That was really good'' Rayna tells me. ''Thanks, ye were good aswell, all of ye'' I didn't mean Glimmer though she startes screaming. The girl from District 8, I think her name is Tille, has her mouth hung open gaping at us careers. I think she's 14.

''Cato that was amazing'' Glimmer cooes. He rolls his eyes. I was busy staring at Tille gaping at us then watching Cato. ''You were good out there'' Cato tells me. I smile. The five of us begin to walk away when I hear Rayna and Marvel laugh. Then I'm laughing. Bread boy or Peeta is after falling. We all snicker at him. Then fire girl aka katniss whispers something to him and he nods.

He makes his way to the weight balls, he picks up a heavy one. Glimmer and I cross our arms and then marvel. Cato, who stands to my left leaves him hands hanging down , so does Rayna. He throws the weight and hits a sword rack. Marvel drobs his hands in shock, Glimmer gaps at him. Cato huffs and Rayna let's out a tiny gasp. I roll my etes, well you can see he's strong, I mean look at his arms. Glimmer stares at Cato waiting for him to say something, when he doesn't she flicks one of her golden fishtail braids over her shoulder.


We have one hour left, I'm grateful for that. I'm sweaty, and hungry and oh so tierd. I need a hot shower. I look around, I'll do knives tomorrow. Can I light a fire, yes. Can I do camoflauge, eh kinda. I decide to spend the hoour on my own at the edible plants. I slowly make my way over, Eliza, the girl from 5 is just leaving. Then district 12 catch my eye, there tying knots.

The trainer looks to me about 38 smiles at me. ''Hiya'' she smiles. ''Hi'' I say giving her a small smile. ''Ok what I want you to do is put what's edible in herem' she says handing me a bucket. Most of these are from district 2. About 25% I have never seen. I pick up a large blue berry and roll it in my hand I put it down, I think its posionous.

''Very good that's Nightlock, very dangerous'' it ends up I got 80% right. Were done for the day and almost evryone is gone. Rayna and Eamon are just leaving, Rayna waves to me. I wave back. Rue then smiles at me and i smile back at her, she then rushs to keep up with Thresh. I walj over to Cato who is patientlly waiting for me.

We step into the elevator and he presses the button labeled 2. ''What do you think of one?'' He asks me. '' Glimmers a slut and Marvel's goofy'' I say as he laughs. The doors open and we step out. ''How was it?" Enobaria asks us. ''Great district 1 is with us and the girl from four.'' Cato replies. ''What did ye cover'' she asks. We tells her everything from me doing edible plants to Peeta. I don't say a word about Rue though.

We walk of to shower. ''See you at dinner' Cato calls as he dissapers into his room. I step into the shower and think about Carlee. Imagine what he must go through. I think of Ilayna losing her parents, Raynas handicaped brother and Marvels girlfriend at home, praying for him to come home when he doesn't even love her.

I get out and dry my hair and body with the air vent. I put my hir back in a tight ponytail, I slip on green skinny jeans and a white short sleeve top. I put on black heels and rush down to the table, putting on my jewellery on the way.

I sit next to Cato who is talking to Clayton. ''I like what your wearing hunny'' Clara tells me nodding at me approvingly. ''Thanks'' Brutus then walks in, grabs a platr of food and walks out. I shrug and Ilayna puts a bowl of red soup infront of me. ''Thanks'' I say. She smiles and places a bowl infront of Cato. He thanks her and starts eating, I do too. Its really nice, I continue to eat as Enobaria starts talking to Darcy about the interviews.


After dinner I decide to have an early night. ''Night everyone'' I say, ''night Clove'' I quickly walk to my room locking the locking the door. I throw my heels on the ground and strip off my clothes. I slip into a mustard colour silk nightgown. Leaving my hair up I fall onto my bed.

I crawl under the covers. I look at the pictures in my locket, by the time I get to Maysilee, I'm crying. Bristle and Clarice are next. I always wondered why they trained for the games when they didn't want t volunteer. Aparently there parents forced them.

I then fall asleep crying.

********************************** (NOW)

I woke up screaming, I had a nightmare where my mother killed Ronnie, Kalen, Hayzelle and Izabelle. I shake my head and make my way to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face. I then unlock my door and head to Cato's room

I knock on the door and he opens it. ''Couldn't sleep? '' he asks. 'No, you?" I ask. ''No c'mon in'' I smile and slip in. I sit on the floor gazing out his window at the stars. He sits next to me and holds his knees up to his chest. I cross my legs and just watch the night sky.

''I'll get us both out, I promise, I won't let you die, or myself'' he softly says.''I know that's impossible, but ok''

He gently rubs my face with his thumb and I swear I see tears in his eyes. This cause tears to drip down my face. 'Shh'' he says. He wipes away my tears. Then ever so slwly, he leans in.

My heart beats loudly as more tears flood my eyes. That when I feel his soft lips against mine.the sparks fly. My eyes slowly shut as I enjoy the kiss. Our lips move in sync. My hands find there way around his neck. He pulls me up onto his lap not breaking the kiss once.

We stay there for hours; kissing. And I'm delighted to say we are now offically dating. I fall asleep in his arms. This is heaven. I'm dating the boy I love.


A/n ok loveys there now dating!!!!!!!!! Hope ur happy I'll try to update tomorrow. Comment on theeir releshiomship and vot please CLFxxxx

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