Y/n was always between the two man and thanks to her good control she doesn't leak any mana. Even the S rank mage Choi Jong-in didn't found her strange.

However, when the group fight got more amd more serious she couldn't help but feel restless. Her focus always wander to a certain woman.

And the scene that she didn't really want to see happend. Jin-woo saved Cha Hae-in. Y/n didn't like her from the beginning. She herself don't know why but just don't seem to like her. There's no reason why.

^... Grandpa. ^


^I would like to stay in the association until they go to Jeju island. Then the 4.day I will use my anti-presence skill and go with the Korean group. Could you lend me a place to sleep until then?^

Go Gun-he gave a nod since there are other hunters who might found him talking to a dog suspiciously.

^Thank you. I only need a bed. No food or drink. I will sleep and gather strength until the day we depart.^
... I need to regenerate my lost HoP. It's only happens when I sleep and its charge slow as hell...

When they finished their talk even the Goto and Jin-woo one on one fight ended. Go Gun-he and Sung Jin-woo talked some more then he said goodbye but stopped when the white dog followed the other man instead of him.

"... Chief... That's dog?...."

"Oh, she? One of my close friend asked me to keep an eye on her. She will stay with me for a few days. Something wrong?"

"..... No, never mind."

Jin-woo left in a sulky mode.
The 2 went to a room that she could use.

"You two-"

^I saved his sister and mother. That's all. Now if you excuse me.^


The old man give a sigh at the young one sensitive mood then left the room. He instructed his subordinates not to go in as he himself leaved the place.

When Jin-woo got home and remembered the talk with his mom while they were cleaning, he felt even more depressed. His mother stayed in this house because she believed their father would come home one day. Even so, he didn't come home even after 4 years. Jin-woo closed his eyes and saw a girl walking away from him. He slowly opened them as he felt a weird sadness and uneasiness pain in his chest.

"I wonder if mom felt like this when father went to that gate..."

Not long after they announced the next Jeju island raid, the media was in chaos. Everyone talked about it. Of course there were those who wrote bad thing's about Jin-woo not participating in it. Naturally, Jin-woo doesn't really cared them.

... I don't care about hate commented, but I wonder how Jin-ah will react...

*ring ring*

>"Hyung-nim , it's me Yoo Jin-ho!" <

(A/n: In Korea males address other male acquaintance as hyung-nim when they're close or respect them. It's means Older brother in a respectful way.)

"Ah, Jin-ho. Are you still living in a motel?"

>"Nope, I just got a new place recently. I contacted mother and she gave me this place. Ah, Hyung-nim. I put something in the office, would you like to see it?"<


"We need an office if we wanna make a guild! How is it, Hyung-nim? I chose a place not too far from your home! "

"Isn't it too large for the two of us?"

"What do you mean, guild master, sub guild master, and an employee. We need 3 people to make a guild, Hyung-nim."

"Then we need to hire 1 more person."
... There is someone I know who will fill the place...

"Ah, there was a person who wanted to meet you."

"Me? Who is it? "

"He was a foreigner who spoke English. He said to contact him as soon as possible, he stays until September 17th."

...A foreigner who speak English... Who is it?...
"Oh, wait. I need to visit home."

Then he used his shadow exchange skill to go and sadden a murderer night. Later he walked home totally forgot Jin-ho.

... Tomorrow is finally... The day Jeju island raid starts...


Holy sh*t {solo leveling & f.reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant