Chapter 31

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Sofia bit her bottom lip as she listened to Oscar and Cesar. They had played the group and lied to them. Cesar never left town. It was all part of their plan to trick the Prophets. They gave the Prophets the dirty money from the Freeridge savings robbery. The plan was set before the meeting the previous morning. Which meant Oscar already knew they had the Rollerworld money before they arrived. Which also meant he knew the night Cesar came over. The plan took the heat off of Cesar, meaning he was no longer a target. By extension, that meant none of them were a target anymore. "No," Jamal spoke. "I am not good." Sofia glanced at him, "you gave the Rollerworld money to the Prophets?"

"No," Oscar said. "I gave them the marked bills from the Freeridge savings robbery."

Sofia rubbed her hands together, processing the entire story. It was a lot of information. "Oh, good," Jamal smiled. "For a second, I thought you gave our money away."

Oscar smiled back at him, "no. I didn't give your money away." Sofia glanced at him, "you gave your money away. Now it's mine."

"Ruby," Monse snapped from the video call she was on. "Turn me to Jamal." Ruby rolled his eyes but did as told. "Did I hear that correctly? You used all the Rollerworld money for nothing? Even my 50K?"

Jamal looked offended. "It wasn't for nothing. We did it for Cesar." Oscar glanced at Sofia, but she looked straight ahead. "Yes, even your 50K."

"Let me see Spooky." Jamal grabbed the phone and turned it. "More, I can still see him." Cesar didn't hide the hurt look on his face. "Spooky. I did not allow my 50 grand to be used. Can you be a decent person and give it back?"


"This is bullshit!"

Oscar smirked, "look on the plus side. Cesar's alive."

"Great," Monse snapped. "Turn me to him."

"No," Cesar whispered.

However, Oscar didn't care. He flipped the phone towards Cesar. "You might be alive. But you're dead to me."

"Monse, I am so," she ended the call. "Dead."

Ruby put his hand on the table. "Spooky, was giving the Prophets the unmarked bills smart?" Sofia stared at him, remaining silent. "Once one of them gets arrested, they will link it to you. Then by extension, us."

Sofia hadn't thought of the Prophets going after Oscar for giving them the marked bills. "They wouldn't connect it to you."

Jamal sighed, "I don't know why you had to cheat us."

"I didn't," Oscar leaned closer. "I did exactly what you wanted. I saved Cesar."

He rolled his eyes. "But you already knew you were going to do that before you took the cash!"

"Your point?"

"Taking our money was unscrupulous!"

Oscar grew annoyed. "How many times do I have to tell you this? Your money was actually my money. It belongs to the Santos."

"Oh," Jamal spoke. "You want to play that game? If we get into the logistics, then it's actually Prophets money that you stole from us."

Oscar looked ready to argue, but Ruby spoke. "Well, technically, it's random people's money who paid way too much for a very bad concert."

"Shalamar's the shit," he pointed at Ruby. "They didn't pay enough."

"Relax," Oscar said. "We won't forget you helped us."

"I don't care about your goodwill," Jamal scoffed. "I want my money."

"But I cooked for you."

"You made Ceviche! The juice did all the cooking." Jamal slammed his hands up and marched around the table. "Come on, Ruby."

"But we haven't eaten yet," Ruby pleaded with Jamal to stay. He was hungry and wanted to eat.

"Now!" Ruby sighed and quickly grabbed a stack of chips. Sofia sat still as the two walked out of the house. The girl had barely moved a muscle since sitting down, and both the Diaz boys noticed.

There was a silence, and Sofia cleared her throat. She pushed up from the chair and started to walk towards the door when Oscar grabbed her arm. The Martinez girl could have easily pulled away but didn't. Oscar glanced at Cesar, a signal for him to leave. "I'll grab us some beers." The young boy walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you going," Oscar asked her.

Sofia kept her eyes down. "Home. I'm tired." She finally looked at him. "I was up all night worried about where Cesar was."

Oscar sighed and pushed up from the chair. He was taller than her, and she had to look up at him. "I couldn't tell you." Sofia rolled her eyes, "like you couldn't tell me about the Rollerworld money."

"That was much different-"

"We both hid stuff," Oscar continued. "Don't go."

Sofia leaned into his touch, "I really am tired." He continued to stare at her. "I'll call you later." Without saying much else, she walked out the door.


Five days later, Sofia sat on Monse's front porch with a mug in her hand. The young girl had called Sofia and asked her to come over. It confused her at first, but it quickly made sense. Monse and Olivia had grown close, and then she died. Monse had always been friends with guys, and until Olivia, didn't realize how badly she needed a female friend. With Olivia gone, she needed someone. Sofia had been around Monse for years. She was always Ruby's overly kind and caring older sister. They knew too much about each other, and Monse believed she could provide sensible insight.

The entire story was complicated and long. At the dance, Cesar gave Monse an ultimatum. Him or her mom. Monse did the smart thing. She picked her mom. To Sofia, Cesar should never have made her choose. Monse had always wanted to know her mom. But Monse said they were done, and Cesar slept with someone who used to work at Dwayne's. However, they got back together, and now Monse was mad he slept with someone else. "So, am I crazy," Monse finally asked after informing her of the entire story.

Sofia sighed and thought of an answer. "I'm not going to lie to you," she turned to her. "You were broken up. He could sleep with whoever." Monse looked down, "but. He went out of his way not to tell you. That is the messed-up part. If it wasn't a big deal, why hide it?"

Monse looked relieved, as if someone finally understood her. "Thank you. Ruby and Jamal make me feel like I'm crazy."

"Cesar didn't cheat, technically." Sofia knew this was a grey area. "But hiding it, lying, and then asking his friends to lie shows he never planned to tell you." Monse nodded, seeming to agree. "I'm sorry you're hurting over this. Ruby loves you, that I do know. I know picking between his two best friends is hard. He doesn't know what to do and tries to stay out of it."

"I know."

Sofia placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're beautiful, Monse. Any boy would be lucky to have you." She smiled at her. "If you want more answers, ones I can't provide, you need to ask Cesar. Go in level-headed, and stay calm. If there's something make or break, ask. It'll give you the answer you need to go on."

"Thank you," Monse whispered. "Thank you." Sofia was surprised by what happened next. Monse hugged her. She smiled and squeezed the younger girl. "I should go talk to him."

"Wait, right now?"

"Yeah," Monse pushed up from the porch. "I'm calm, and my eyes have been opened. I have one question I need to ask him, and his answer is what I need to hear."

"What happens when you don't like the response?"

Monse smiled, "I already know the answer. I just need to hear it."

Sofia had always liked Monse. She was a smart girl, and this choice was incredibly mature. "Do you want company?"

"I think I should go alone," Monse took a steady breath. "Thank you again. I really needed you."

"I'm always here when you need me, Monse."

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