Chapter 22

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Sofia had her books open but wasn't looking at them. As much as she hated to admit it, she was starting to like Amber. Once the girl stopped talking nonsense, they got along really well. They had spent the entire night together. She found that Amber liked riding the bus. She thought public transport was refreshing. They went out to eat and then ventured around town before coming home around midnight.

As weird as it was, Sofia enjoyed nearly every minute. No one was more surprised than Mario. He wasn't complaining and was incredibly pleased when he found out. Amber had stayed by her side the following day, but Sofia eventually left for Oscar's. The blonde girl was disappointed, but Sofia promised to be back for dinner.

Ruby had a change in attitude also. Both with Amber and his situation. It was clear to her that Ruby was struggling to process the situation and was incredibly depressed. No one could blame him. He had been shot and lost Olivia. Whatever he did with Oscar seemed to help him, and she was especially grateful for that. However, Sofia had no idea what the two did. Before yesterday, Ruby was not a fan of Oscar. Now it was different, and Ruby seemed to like Oscar even if it was just a little bit. "Hey," Oscar grabbed her hand. Sofia glanced up at her boyfriend and noticed the concerned look on his face. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she assured him. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Oscar sat down on the table, not letting go of her hand. Sofia hadn't heard him come inside. He had been out with the others in the front yard. "You didn't respond when I asked you a question."

"Oh." Sofia felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment. "I didn't hear you."

Oscar chuckled, "I asked you twice." Her cheeks only darkened. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing interesting."

He laughed again, "I doubt that. It's always something interesting."

She rolled her eyes and pushed his shoulder in a joking way. "I'm just thinking about my family. About Ruby and Amber now." She stared at him, "and you." Oscar raised an eyebrow, signaling her to continue. Sofia sighed and leaned back into the couch. "I didn't want to like Amber, but she's starting to make it hard."

"Isn't that good," Oscar moved to her side. "She is going to be your family now."

"Yeah." Sofia was struggling to process that part. For now, she liked Amber as a friend, but not as family. "She's kind and a little bit funny." She traced patterns on Oscar's hand. Something Sofia did when she was conflicted, stressed, and sometimes even frustrated. "She rode a bus for the first time. Was completely fascinated." There was a pause, "I had to talk her out of coming here."

"I don't think that would go over well with the homies."

Sofia nodded, "I agree." Oscar watched her closely, waiting for her to continue with her thoughts. He liked listening to them. "Ruby was in a good mood when he came home also. I think he even likes you now. What did the two of you do?"

"We just talked," Oscar shrugged. "That was all."

"About what?"

Sofia was curious and wanted to know what they did for the entire day. "About the Santos, cooking, and family." He took a deep breath, "about the truce and life as a felon." Oscar looked away from her, "about you."

"Me," she tilted her head.

"Yeah," Oscar said. "He's angry, and I get that. You know, you both do this thing when you're mad. Your face scrunches up, and your nose crinkles."

Sofia shook her head, "I do not do that."

Oscar smirked, "whatever you say."

"What else?" She moved slightly, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. Her fingers continued to trace different patterns on his hand, and he let her. "What did you say about me?"

He could hear the curiosity in her voice. "I said he was lucky to have you. To have someone who loves him as much as you do."

She hummed in agreement. Sofia did love Ruby more than he would ever know. "I do. He's a really good brother." She thought of Ruby often, more so since the shooting. Ruby was odd. That much was true, but she still loved him. "When I told Ruby we were dating. He was so jealous. Did I tell you that?" She had told him that. "But I assured him that he had nothing to worry about."

"He loves you too," Oscar spoke.

"I know that," Sofia smiled to herself. "I couldn't imagine losing him. I really thought I was going to." It had been a month since the shooting, but that didn't make it any easier. She couldn't ever forget the sight of Ruby on the ground. Blood pouring from his chest, and the way he gasped for air. "Seeing him on the floor, gasping for air." Sofia shook her head as if she was trying to forget the memory.

"Hey," Oscar moved his arm and put it over her shoulder. "He's fine now."

Sofia looked up at him, "for the most part."

"He'll get better with time." But she didn't fully believe that. It had been a month, and Ruby was only just starting to make progress.

"I wish that night never happened," Sofia whispered. "Then it never would have happened."

"I should have dealt with everything myself. I shouldn't have let Cesar take care of-"

"Hey." Sofia could hear the anger growing in his voice. "It wasn't your fault. Or Cesar's." Oscar rolled his eyes, clearly not believing her. "Neither of you pulled that trigger. It was Latrelle and him alone."

"But if I hadn't-"

"If this or if that," Sofia cut him off. "If won't get you anywhere. It happened, and we can't turn back time." That seemed to stop his rant. "I can wish all day long, but it happened." There was another silence, and she filled the air. "I'm glad it's over with."

"Me too," he agreed to that. Sofia moved even closer to him if that was even possible. "That night, Cesar called me." Oscar began telling her. "He was crying. It was hard to understand him. The bad reception didn't help." He tensed, and Sofia squeezed his hand. "He said there was a shooting at the Martinez house. And for a moment, I thought it was you. I had never been more scared." He took a deep breath, "but it wasn't."

"No," Sofia had never heard that story before. "It wasn't." But she wished it had been sometimes. That way, Ruby wouldn't have to suffer.

"But anyway." Oscar shifted the conversation, as he normally did when the topic got heavy. "Ruby's a good kid. Too much like you."

"Oh yeah?" Sofia turned to look at him.

"He's also a gesticulator."

She giggled, "that's a big word you."

"Yeah, whatever." Sofia rolled over into his lap, taking him by surprise. She rested her hands against his neck but didn't move after. There was a gentleness in her eyes, one that made Oscar shift. Her piercing stare caused him to grow nervous, and that wasn't a feeling he liked. "What are you doing?"

Sofia remained quiet, letting her thumb run over his cheek. "Thank you."

It was so faint that Oscar hardly heard her. He moved his hands to her waist, sitting up straighter. "For what?"

She leaned closer, "for just being you." That caused Oscar to smile, a real smile. He tugged her close, bringing his lips to hers. From there, the kiss only grew stronger. Oscar's hands were tightly wrapped around her waist, and he slowly brought her closer. As if she would disappear and fade away. Suddenly, he tugged at her shirt, making her pull away. "Oscar," it was low. "Someone's going to walk in."

He stared at her, "who cares."

"Oscar-" Sofia was abruptly flipped onto her back, Oscar now on top of her. She never had a chance to question him as he bent down to kiss her again—all worries of someone walking in quickly fading as his lips made their way down her neck.

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