Forever, Indebted to you!

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"Bon..Bondita...There's blo...blood...All over.. and, its rolling out... still!", He stated while his lips quivered hastily, sighing, he kept his hand over the wooden log; all lost in his brewing up pessimistic thoughts.

"I..I am the sole reason for this Bondita...Neither had I hurt you nor this would have happened...This is all my fault...I can only ask you for forgiveness..Nothing el..else!", He wailed agonizingly, as tears rushed through his ocean-like eyes.

Bondita hummed in a soft negation.

"And, do you by any chance know what this has blessed me with..? Your affectionate company! a totally different side of yours from that of yesterday.. the side that'd been known to me since childhood! This minor sore has given me more of heaven and bliss than a twinge..So, tell me shouldn't I be grateful to this slight snick?..Hmm?", She reverted back tenderly, warmly clutching his hand with hers.

"W..Why are you so Pristine-hearted Bondita...?"He stated affectionately, extending his arms out to clutch her into a warm-comforting embrace.

Bondita, too reciprocated the hug.

"By the way, I was loving that side of yours too..", she hushed softly into his ears.

"Hmm..So do you want me go well with that Anirudh Roy Chaudhary...The over- possessive one?", he husked sensuously, remotely close to her earlobe, making her shiver with excitement in his dense embrace.

"The winds are piercingly crisp..let me see what I can do..", Anirudh remarked bashfully, awning the statement he'd just set forth, standing up, he swathed her with his warm-scenting coat.

"S..Sure...", Bondita stammered with an unknown delirium his enticing cologne was causing her.

Anirudh actively foregathered a heap of wooden branches while casting about in the forage of a suitable herb; he collected a bunch of flint stones and in the search of which, he found a shimmering, polished blade. And, he clutched his eyes recalling the basic first-aid lessons he'd been taught about in his schooling days 'a blade scorching of external heat, when comes in contact of an inflicted, vulnerable wound, halts the blood-flow; healing it further'. A contented smile crept up his face when this hospitable notion struck his mind.

He stoked the fire before her, by rubbing the flint stones against each other. And, in no time the wooden branches blazed up forging radiance in the darkly ambience of the area.

"Sakha babu..Remember how you taught me this method of bringing out fire, the time you were battling up for the right to my education?.... I'll be forever indebted to you Sakha babu! Thank you for shaping me up as a pioneer of today, I'm utterly grateful to you..!", she broke the surfacing silence adorably, as her eyes shimmered with the augmenting moisture.

"Bondita...I must say you have a Sharp memory! And, also, I haven't done anything...Its you who paved a way for yourself; All I can say is I couldn't be more Proud!", He replied back appreciatively, perching back, near her.

"No..Sakha babu..I..Haven't..", Her response was gently interjected as she felt a fleecy touch of his fingers on the pair of her plump lips.

"Shhh...Now do as I say.."

   "I have to treat you..", He hushed softly, fixating his eager gaze on hers.

Bondita nodded in assertion, as an overwhelming , pleasurable sensation began to engulf her.

"Come closer...."

"And clasp my back with all your might..get it?", He asked her gently, gesturing her in the following way.

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