Scotching Mist~2

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"Ba...Barrister....! And, what do they say his name is?", she asked inquisitively, albeit her body was immensely exhausted but the word "Barrister" was enough to pump a new zest in her.

" Sister...Pardon me for this! But I have just joined a day before, so I'm absolutely heedless..", he responded apologetically, preoccupying himself in arranging his wristlets.

"How much for a set", she queried gently, when her eyes fell on a jingling set of flamboyant wristlets.

"20 cents.. Sister..", he gently spoke.

"Pack me this Yellow one...", she gaily stated.

"Sure...Just a moment", he apprised her.

"No! wait...This blue one.....with this red as well!", she specified again.

"Sakha babu's best-loved shade-blue, Red's mine...", she remarked jubilantly, jangling the worn set of new ornaments.

"Here your.. payment", she stated, handing him his earning over.

"Sister...I said 20, they're 30!", he replied with a questionable face.

"Take your family for a feast tonight...! You were of very much help", she responded joyfully, making her way to the law chamber.


"She's back...My Barrister Babu Bondita's back!", Anirudh sniveled heavily out of sheer ecstasy, with his head gently bent, resting at the modest bench of his law chamber.

"But...Oblivious of the Rivalry, the hatred, the rancour, the blood shed, Me, the family, Every Damn thing! W..What will I answer her? Her questions? The questions which used to warm my heart, would make me frail before her! Neither would this enmity let her stay in dark for longer and nor will they accept our pristine bond. How keenly I'd hung about to see her all these 8 years, and now that she's here, I'm not even entitled to meet her."

"Society may stay imprudent about us meeting, howbeit I do remember the day she naively asked if she could espouse me when she's legally off age? What rationales will I pose for this? Though, I adore her, dearly....Infact very dearly! Yet, Society? It'll never bear us, our relationship! This inter-rural abhorrence has changed Everything Bondita!.....Every Damn Thing! Your Sakha babu too has turned into a Devil...A blood thirsty Devil! The hands that made you hold the modest pen, Now, carry those...barbaric roscoes!", Anirudh wailed incessantly, rigidly clutching his head in his palms; leaving his seat; he advanced near to the casements of his chamber.

The swaying breeze, cunningly made through the aperture, kissed his personable face and dighted all his tears off, the astronomical airspace now had a hazy-blue mien, all set to bless Mother earth by washing its blues off.

"I'll always wait for you Bondita, even if it costs my whole Lifetime!", he puffed with a heavy heart.

"Bondita..Doesn't like to keep her Sakha babu Waiting for long..! Don't you know?" an appealing feminine voice, jubilantly proliferated the serenity of the space.


There was some error constantly flashing up! So I'd to segregate it into Two parts. Also, please assure me in the comments section if this is visible to you people or not!

Also, do tell me how you like the extract in the comment section down below! I'd desperately anticipate for your precious suggestions and appreciations.



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