Sheer Solace

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Anirudh coursed forth like a gushing stream of a cyclone-struck river, all disoriented and melancholic. He, in the wink of an eye, jostled into the emerging swarm of people and then his eyed witnessed what he feared the most!

Bondita lay there like a lifeless body! while the blotches of her crimson gore were painted on the rock-strewn road. Anirudh lamentably sank down on his knees, he grew pale, his eyes were transfixed at her feebly sprawled form, the dismay tears, instinctively, dribbled off his dumbfounded visage, his throat was choked of heaviness that loomed with the proliferating woe and agony. His senses had already started giving up; his body felt frail! 

He grievously subsided low and placed her infirm head on his laps diligently.

"Bon..Bondita...Open your eyes...", he hushed anxiously, gently tapping her cheeks, drawing her head closer and gently pressing it onto his chest.

Bondita stood unresponsive. His will was enfeebling with every passing second, without any further ado, he actively scooped her faint frame in his muscly arms and sprinted to look around for his grandiose porsche, which was no where to be seen.

"A..Atharva...", He yelped with all his might in search of his driver.

Sensing a delay, he glanced dismally at her heavenly-angelic face which was snuggled into his chest until a thunderous sniping cartridge swept just over his shoulder sparing him both his lives, one that lay unconscious in his arms and the other was he, himself! While the first one was more of importance.... more than his own life even mattered to him! 

The remorseless Goons had called the attack again.

If there was given a choice he'd have willingly or rather say happily kept his life at stake, but the set of circumstances kept forth him were complex and toilsome, here, he'd to save his life in order to see her chirping like an emancipated, twee bird again and afresh.

"I won't let anything Happen to you, You're safe with me!", He growled mightily, stirring his stumps into the direction of a Village thicket with a vast canopy of trees, which was no less than a puzzling Maze itself, 'Cause he'd prefer being lost with rather than losing her!

He pecked her forehead affectionately, and uttered.

"You're my Goddess, Give me strength..", He sighed heavily, and made her snuggle into his chest comfortably before streaming hastily towards the dense forest. The goons followed him.

"Nab them, before they get lost in the forest", the goon hissed.

They crossed the thresh hold of the vast-dense cover before being captured, Anirudh gasped stiffly, but still somehow, he managed to dash across with his beloved in his embrace ,all tranquilized!

"Master...they've already entered the forest, Now this insolvable dense maze will ensure that they never return back", the assistant goon spoke to their chief, smirking wickedly.

"Hmmm...Let them rot.", the chief of the cluster of goons stated devilishly.


Anirudh dolefully perched down on an old wood log with Bondita in his lap, cradling her cozily he patted her cheeks so that she opens her eyes.

"Bondita...Open your eyes..Please..", He cried, tapping her cheeks lovingly, while his own heart wrenched seeing his feisty Beloved lying feebly, swooned in his lap.

He carefully made her recline on the wood log and gushed around in search of water, fetching some in his hollow palms he kneeled down before her.

"Bondita, Look at me. Open your eyes...", he stated dismally, spraying some water on her divine countenance, while the other hand of his, combed through her hair delicately.

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