Unfathomable Manifestations

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"Mr. Where may I find the Barrister?", Bondita inquisitively Inquired an assistant lawyer passing from the corridors of the chamber.

"Barrister...You mean Anirudh Roy Chowdhury? You may find him there in that space, right and then straight left..", he gently apprised her.

"T..Thank you..!", She stammered out of jouissance, feeling her heart hammer like anything.

"I've found you...Sakha babu! I'd vowed to see you first, I'm coming...", she sniveled, hastily advancing to his space.

Immobilizing herself  at the thresh hold of his opulent work place, she keenly admired the quintessence of manliness who stood facing the square aperture, her heart felt immensely full, her eyes had brimmed up of desperation and euphoria, her whole body felt dazed!

"Sakha babu....", she hushed noiselessly as her chest heaved back and forth; her throat inundated with ecstasy just at his sight, and just then she overheard his pinning for her.

"I'll always wait for you Bondita, even if it costs my whole Lifetime!"

Her happiness knew no bounds, 'he still misses her' was her answer to all those questions that relentlessly troubled her all this long while!

"Bondita..Doesn't like to keep her Sakha babu Waiting for long..! Don't you know?", she enunciated merrily, while the tears still dribbling off her face; advancing heavily towards him, she stood at a decent vicinity and before anything could be a hindrance between them she actively threw her hands her hands athwart him, wrapping them firmly over his muscular frame, gently resting her head on his rear side.

"I..I missed you Sakha babu! I missed you....", she wailed soundly, steadily making his shirt soggy with her fat tears.

While Anirudh stood stagnant, bewildered at that very moment. 'Was it really Bondita or he was daydreaming, Just like Everyday?' His thoughts muddled up his psyche, his knees feebly wobbled at the touch of his damp shirt, his eyes started stocking up.

"S..Sakha babu..! Look at me..", she hushed desperately.

"My ears can't be ringing! Is this Bondita or just another trick my mind's playing?", he murmured to himself, his words full of longing.

"Real Bondita...This time! Turn around now..", she stated boldly, wiping her tears off.

"B..Bondita...", he muttered noiselessly, letting a fresh stream of tears escape his pining eyes, gradually turning about while his eyes still situated on the ground; his hand adorably tracing the well-defined outlines of her face!

"Bondita... The Real one!" he'd for the first time in 8 years cried of bliss!..bliss of getting his significant other back, while she could only press his hand that hovered over her face, giving him an eerie warmth of assurance.

'The same old well-proportioned hunky face, the face that gleamed of ambitions, power, adoration, endearment, In short Everything! This comely twinkle on visage, the modest eyes admiring  the floor bed more than me, Rakshas Babu or could rather be called Mr. Handsome!' she bashfully thought to herself lowering her eyes down and allowing him his part.

He progressively uplifted his swollen, reddened eyelids to peek at the beauty or he should rather say 'Beauty with brains' that stood before him.

'I'd seen her as a bud, she's turned into a coy flower! Can't be underestimated. Gosh..!She's reaching up to my shoulder level, I'll miss bending low while talking to her..But, Nevermind Anirudh Roy Choudhury you can't anymore save your skin...Now! She's changed, howbeit owns that good old heavenly charm, the angelic beam on her winsome countenance till date! She Gleams of Revolutionary ambitions, aspirations!My Barrister babu Bondita! How can anyone resist themselves from Falling for her, this heavenly aesthetic countenance?', he sheepishly thought to himself, this impromptu appearance of hers was like the emergence of the warmth of sun after a heavy downpour for him!

And just then, Bondita elevated her orbs to intertwin her gaze with his, he stood downright unwary of her naive advances while she, without letting any deviation, actively fixated her gaze at his, their eyes were, in no time euphorically entwined, intensively!she was lost so was he! They seemed like two souls narrating their tales to each other, without actually vocalizing! their eyes articulated an assorted amount of emotions..feelings. Some of them were actually unrecognizable yet something was common, The pining...longing both of them went through, all these 8 years, was clearly visible!

 A full-spirited contest, as it seemed, wherein both of them were locking horns, for their logical rationales about 'who missed whom more?'who longed more?' and eventually both won, Barristers they were after all and that too Gold Medalists! Barristers with a queer ability of 'resting their cases ' each; without technically, speaking or yelling!

Bondita then, steadily caught hold of his hand and stuffed it affectionately between hers, bestowing all her comfort to him. On the other hand, Anirudh just latched his eyes shut to ecstatically relish the consolation...the solace his Bondita showered him with! 

However, 'Darkness is  said to be the never ending chasm of melancholy for a few' 

And, probably he was one of those 'few', he feared of darkness!

"My daughter Dhara devi and her unborn child are no more", the words bitterly jotted down on the grief-stricken epistle flashed inside the abyss of his darkness, muddling up all his senses at once! His face actively twitched with an aggravating sensation hinting at the agony and woe the letter possessed, making him furiously withdraw his hand at full tilt.

"Stay Away...Get it? STAY. AWAY.!"



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Note: I'm still an amateur here so I've a question to those who've been accessing wattapad since a long while. When does the tag ranking flash up? How many views would anyone need for them for show up? Any idea?

I'd extremely grateful if you people could help me with it, write me here or in the conversation panel, I'd wait for your responses.



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