The Gushing Stream of Truth

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On her way back, she descried cluster of a people all clad in white, dolefully mourning for the loss of a loved one and accordingly, the body of the deceased was being toted for the last rites.

On approaching near to the congregation of those family folks, she heard;

"The Barrister of Tulsipur mercilessly gashed him to death..."

She was knocked sideways with despondency.

"Barr-Barrister Babu..", she hushed under her breath, as her throat felt choked.

"N..No! my Barrister babu hasn't done this,Hey.. Dugga maa! Tell me that this is just another nightmare. My barrister babu he is very benign, he can't possibly do this..", she relentlessly murmured this to herself like an endless chant, all panic-stricken.

"And,what do they say his name is...?", the gathering nattered among themselves.

"Some...Anirudh Roy Choudhury", one of the assembled clump spoke up, making Bondita pinch herself with all her might.

"Aaah..", she exclaimed dolefully.

"Barrister babu,how on earth could you do this..?", her heart cried.


She heavily traipsed to her maternal home like a dreaded soul; oblivious of everything around but her heart sank with each passing second, just a thought of her Sakha babu's drastic change was viciously spiking her core.

"Sumati didi! Look who's here,Bondita..", one of the resident vendor of the locality spoke up.

And, there came hastily rushing, a lady in her mid forty's, all donned up in a creamy-white saree that glinted of modesty in the dusky-twilight. A sacred rosary-beaded necklet that loosely hugged her neck and a sandalwood speckle on her mildly wrinkled temple completed her look. With a venerating silver ashet in her hand, she sprinted towards the thresh hold of her comely abode.

"..Bon..Bondita..!", she whooped of ecstasy on beholding her elegantly grown up daughter while Bondita just stood outright nescient of her surroundings, until she felt warm-cozy pair of arms wrapping her up in a tight embrace.

"Sakhababu..", she shushed euphorically as a sheath of comforting warmth enclosed her in a gentle hug.

" child", she heard a familiar voice, and to her surprise it was her mother's comfy arms around her; shedding tears of jouissance.

"Maa.", Bondita uttered heartily, as she too threw her arms past her to clutch her into a great bear hug, sobbing like a newborn infant.

"Bondita My child, Why are you crying?", Sumati weeped of euphoria.

"M..MaaI..I'll tell you once,you tell me that why are you crying? Bondita doesn't like to see her mother shedding tears..", she mewled adorably.

"Bondita, I am happy, very happy to have you back...!", Sumati giggled blithely, dighting her tears off.

"Same for me..Maa! I too am very happy to get into your arms after 8 long years...", She chirped buoyantly.

"Come..let me glorify your arrival", she stated joyously, wheeling the silver sacred ashet around her. She bent low towards her feet; advancing her hand forth.

"Maa, What are you doing..?", Bondita hopped back.

"Beta...Young girls are believed to be the Avatars of Dugga maa! So let me just do it..", Sumati retaliated softly.

"No..Maa, You won't do this! Rather, permit me to earn your grace...", she declared softly, and  herself bent to touch Sumati's feet.

"May god be with you my child! You haven't changed a bit...neither has your ability to pour out questions..", Sumati enounced ecstatically; affectionately caressing her head.

"Changed a bit..", Sumati's words went circumscribing her eardrums, tugging her rear wards to the gut-wrenching episodes that betited today itself;  an excruciating lone-tear escaped her appealing orbs and before Sumati maa could fathom it, Bondita agonizingly scampered towards a void room.

"Bo..Bonditaaa, girl..", Sumati followed her undecipherable trails to the vacant space that was shut unlatched.

"Bonditaaa...", she dashed hastily inside just to find her wailing noiselessly, rigidly clasping her knees to her bosom.

"Bondita what happened..?", Sumati whined, perching rashly adjacent to her.

"Noth..nothing Maa...Just...Just met you long, so...", Bondita tried to clarify feebly, brushing off the stream of emotions that drizzled off her aesthetic visage.

"Bondita, I know my daughter pretty well , she's a valiant lioness, doesn't create a fuss on trivial matters, there has to be a major issue my child; tell me..what is it?", sumati consolingly caressed her head.

"Maa...there's nothing to worry about, Please don't dwell on!...", Bondita interjected mildly.

"Beta, no else could decipher what's going on in a child's mind other than his\her mother!...tell me what's bothering you?", she asked pacifyingly.

"Maa Sakh-Sakha babu, Trus..", she tried to conjure half eaten words, but the agonizing-terror that cruelly snicked her heart caused her to sink down on her mother's comforting lap.

"Sakha babu? You met him, my child?", Sumati asked, Wiping her tears off.

"Yes, Maa! But He h-has changed, He isn't the same old Sakha babu of mine...", Bondita lamented grievously.

"And, what makes you say this?", Sumati enquired softly, neatening her tangled strands with the move of her artistic hand.

"Maa he doesn't trust me anymore, neither he adores me like the way he did, he too has become atrocious...infact, very atrocious! He slashed an individual to death too...The man who taught me about Gandhi ji and his peaceful ways of non-violence has chosen a completely different path for himself...completely different", Bondita breathed out the words in one go, puling in a heart affliction.

"Bondita...You are entirely oblivious of the truth, this inter-rural hostility has wrecked things up! Had your Sakha babu not changed, they'd have made his and his family's life a living hell.

"Maa, what inter-rural hostility? What are you even talking about?", Bondita questioned inquisitively, pretty desperate this time.


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