Stepping Closer

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"Well...Ms. Bondita, You too are Making me....Insane...", He uttered gruffly; almost noiseless! As he captivatedly followed his mistress' appealing trails, however downright incognizant of the wounds he'd harshly inflicted on her.

She had already traversed over the thresh hold of his posh workplace and he was still to pass through, until a masculine yet artistic voice struck his eardrums.

"Ms..Bondita Das! If I'm not wrong?", The man asked her.

"Y-Yes! But..I didn't recognize you, My Apologies!", she reverted back softly, while Anirudh stood still firmly stagnant on his place, aesthetically concealed behind the pillars of his minted yet modest chamber almost Eavesdropping the two.

"Well...I'm from that very session as yours, A silver-medalist, to be precise!", he stated cordially.

"Okay...But what brings you here? I mean.. You could've practiced law there itself!"

"I'll be practicing law here, under the kind guidance of a prestigious Barrister here, Mr. Anirudh Roy Chowdhury as they call him", he responded courteously.

"Oh, Get ready for a real Grind then, Poor lad!", she muttered to herself, feeling a strong sense of pity for the man.

"Excuse Me...I didn't get you!", he reverted back.

"Umm..I said, Congratulations! I hope you have a good time with him!", she responded back faking courtesy.

"Thanks a lot! Pleased to meet you..!, he replied blithely, extending his hand forth for a sincere greeting. While an irked Anirudh had already fumed up of the insecurities this man was unknowingly bestowing him with. 

"This adamant scallywag....Why doesn't he stop blabbering before her?!", Anirudh snarled fiercely, clenching his fists firm, and jaws robust enough; that his body itself began responding to his acute vexation. He resentfully stretched his legs out all set to barge into them.

Bondita on the contrary, was abruptly perplexed at this man's hurried gesture, not knowing what to do, she reluctantly yet unhurriedly drew her hand out so that he instantly gets out of her way, and at the same time she caught the sight of an irate Anirudh, sharply advancing towards them.

"Oh! Like wise..", she stated sarcastically, drawing out her hand in return to form a unwilling yet mild clasp with his, whilst she impatiently anticipated Anirudh's reaction to this very gesture of hers.

Anirudh had already discerned two of them and their gesture that was progressively crawling onto his nerves.

"Bondita..Please don't do this!", Anirudh muttered to himself slamming his eyes shut to compose himself, all green with envy.

"You! Whoever you are!", he roared thunderously, reaching up to him, loud enough to make him withdraw his hand with angst.

"You've been hired to work and not waste time....Go! Wait for me in my chamber", he hissed crisply while his violent gaze fixated at Bondita's.

"Sur-Sure Sir!", he trembled, making his way out of there.

"You Come with me!", he stated sharply, lugging gently at her arm to draw her out of the workplace.

He furiously lead her to the well-furnished, luxurious patio of his workplace to get his much needed answers from her. He clutched her hand gently yet was firm with his gestures howbeit she couldn't help but affectionately enamour her man! The robust ire on his adorable visage was adding up to his charming appearance.

"Rakshas babu..", she hushed bashfully, grinning like a cheshire cat.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she was gently knocked at the marginal end of a wooden pillar, causing her to ram her eyes shut with an unknown alarm however, it was soon relieved when she felt a familiar touch..a very well-known mild clutch at her right arm, And that clasp grew firm with every passing moment as if ,his gentle yet authoritative gesture was trying to command her to unroll her angelic eyes. 

The cloud-circumscribed sun had hitherto started gearing up to skid into a sedate, tranquilized slumber, the fruity sky was nastily swapping its couthy hues and thus was up for the clouds to do their job! The inviting breeze had started to flow as though, irking them to squall, again and afresh...The serenity and placidity in the area were at their level best! 

Having said that ,the blustery winds were awfully frigid and were sufficing to give rise to a cluster of cold creeps from her creamy-fleecy skin, her eyes were still latched close regardless of his advances. And, thereupon she felt a mild tug at her left arm too, which was elevated up and pinned next to the right one. 

All she could perceive was his mild yet rigid grasp and the pounding pulsations of both of them that thudded in a lyrical euphony, while his was relatively reverberant than hers actually was! Subsequently, she sensed something really warming and comforting in proximity to her right ear, it was nothing but his searing breathes, cozy and soothing enough to obliterate the uneasiness that the winds poked her with and just then,

"Open your eyes..!", he commanded , steadily intertwining his hand with hers that was firmly pinned against the pillar, his dominative behest was bold enough to make her fling open her eyes, and finding him perilously leaned close her either side just baring a diminutive distance with his feet, his puffs were conveniently scalding at her right lug; making her exhale intensely with an unexplored titillation.

"Good.. And Now, Answer to whatever I ask, get that? ", he hushed bewitchingly, causing the the butterflies inside her flitter of sheer exhilaration.

Bondita was ecstatically overpowered by a tantalizing sensation that gradually took over her conscious self making her nod in assertion.

"But Remember......One irrelevant answer...and I'll step two, Closer to you...", he huskily commanded her in an unfamiliar tone.


Do tell me how you like\dislike the extract in the comment section down below!

Note: Do ya'll think its going a bit too overboard? Or this level of obsession is working best for you? Also, how do you want Bondita to come back to him? Affectionately or crisply\boldly? I'd anticipate for your kind responses. In this matter, I'll need all of yours thoughtful suggestions as this is an inceptive step of mine towards this subgenre, Hope y'all consider!


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