Her Native Realm

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Respected Barrister Babu,

With deep despair, I am writing this to you. My daughter, Dhara Devi and her unborn child are no more. Your suspicion about that Beast- Sudipto Ghosh was unerring, he monstrously butchered her and the unborn! I bitterly regret being skeptical about you, your firm demands regarding the local, homicidal residents of Krishna Nagar. 

That atrocious demon hitched her for his bodily pleasures, he used to force himself upon her. She was barbarically assaulted, browbeaten by him on a regular basis. And, It wasn't long that we found out that she was expecting, we were ecstatic and so was she, or may be pretending to be! but this wasn't certainly the end of his vile deeds! A calm before the storm it was.

He began paying heinous visits to the rural brothel, rather than blinking an eye towards his dutiful wife. 6 months went by and he had already squandered all his loots, he, subsequently used to intrude inside Tulsipur, to break into our necessitous homesteads, threatening us about dumping our daughter, which he does till date!

We'd already run out of all our assets, and we plainly refused to fill his pockets with ours. And, he, then, began his harsh tortures on my daughter, afresh! She was already having a hard time with her protruded belly and he didn't even pay any mind to the state she was in!

He is a sexually driven beast, he had already surrendered himself to his carnal desires, and lack of finances was enough for him to lose his sanity! He, without a second thought tried to Do my expectant daughter howbeit, it earned him a faint denial from her side. 

His non-existent ego was subsequently, hurt. And, with one acute attack, he made her trip off the lengthy staircase, she expeditiously landed downstairs on her forefront. She wailed.....she bled! But he left her unnoticed. Additionally, accept our sheer gratitude for getting her treated, but maybe, the mental trauma she was in, was more overpowering!

I was blinded by the monetary pays, regal goods they bribed me with, and its the time I compensate. I have decided to end my life, and by the time you get this I'd be blessing you from the sky itself, But, Promise me Barrister Babu,  you'll avenge my loss, you'll get my perished daughter Justice!

Let Justice Prevail....! VANDE MATARAM!

P.s.  he'd be trespassing through tomorrow as well, I am affixing his polaroids with this letter, So that its easy for you to find him.

Gopal Saha 

 ( A Local resident of Tulsipur and a wailing Father )

The Barrister agonizingly squeezed the letter he'd recieved a day earlier, reading it nearly a 100th time up till now. A lone tear escaped his ocean-like eyes, and dribbled off his melancholic visage, landing progressively on the doleful letter, making the first few miniscules blurry. 

"We may have failed you Sister, But Anirudh Roy Chowdhury will ensure that No other girl ends up like Dhara Devi did!", He uttered morosely, gritting his teeth.

Anirudh had recognized the man, the moment he was thrown at his feet, Intruders infringing in was a daily affair but he'd become immensely stern from the day he'd collected the letter. Firmness and rigidity at the partition was augmented, and that's how Sudipto was fetched!

Dighting his tears, he violently advanced towards the lifeless corpse that lay before him. His crimson gore effortlessly streamlined up till his feet.

"Sudipto Ghosh!!! You Rotten Rapist..." He enunciated thunderously, booting his defunct body to turn about, facing him.

Anirudh vigorously sloshed his hands in his flaccid gore, elevating it upto his temple, he stamped his fingers drenched in blood by running them along his forehead.

"Revenge is Sought!...... Eye for An Eye! Blood for Blood", he ghastly roared, fiercely descrying at the Icy blue ether.


"T.C. sir, how many hours to Deenpur?", Bondita asked inquisitively.

"Ma'am you've been asking the same question incessantly from past 2 hours, There's still a short while ,till we set foot in there!", T.C. retorted, irked at her relentless set of questions.

"Are you Committed or in Love?", She boldly inquired, clenching her fists and pasting them on the either sides of her waist.

"No...Why?!", he riposted.

"Then you won't get it.....Never mind!", she riposted gutsily.

"Ma'am...Is there anything else I can help you with?", he questioned, slightly annoyed.

"No! Please leave...", she retorted.

'Committed or in Love?' "Why did you ask him this Bondita?" "Why was it so spontaneous" "How smoothly could these words escape out?"

 "Am I in..... L...Love?", she adorably catechized herself, sheathing her face with her bag to hide the hues of red that played hide and seek on her coy countenance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...We are going cross the thresh hold of Deenpur! Please be up for it with your respective belongings" a blaring voice reverberated inside her eardrums, drawing her out of her cloud cuckoo land.

"D..Deenpur! Dugga Maa! Finally....", she whooped gleefully.

Stepping out of the compartment, she whiffed the air of her motherland to her heart's content, Yet something was missing, Her Sakha babu! Her brimming up eyes desperately searched for him, her heart pounded like it'd hop out this very second to go fetch him to her itself, her stomach had butterflies that fluttered like there was no tomorrow!

"Sakha Babu.....!" she restlessly called out, her voice quivered with the growing delay.

But, he was nowhere to be seen, She earnestly peeked at all the manly faces present at the railway platform, her heart sank when none of them she observed, was him!

"Sakha Babu...! You'd at least come to pick your Bondita, Umm no! Barrister babu Bondita up!", she murmured softly, puffing up her mouth with annoyance, sticking her clasped fists at her waist.

"Fine...! I'll myself come to you!", she spoke valiantly, sprinting hastily towards the rickshaw stand.


Do tell me how you like the extract in the comment section down below, they're so encouraging! Also Up vote if somehow it kept you engrossed, I am always up for suggestions, i.e do write below how you want their first meet to be, where and how? I'd be immensely happy if you people put up your notions!



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