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Derek carried Meredith through the emergency bay doors and walked up to the front desk. "My wife is having severe pains. She is seven months pregnant and has BAND Syndrome. Can you call Dr. Dennis as soon as possible please?" He explained quickly.

"Can someone get this gentleman a wheelchair for his wife?" She asked one the crowd of nurses before returning her attention back to Derek. "Follow the nurse and he will take you to where Dr. Dennis will meet you." She explained kindly.

"Thank you." Derek said as he nodded, trying to breathe but forgetting how.

"Just breathe Derek." Meredith reminded him as she scrunched up her face in pain and clenched her hand to her belly.

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to say in this situation?" Derek asked.

"How long have you two been married?" The nurse asked, trying to take their minds off of everything that was going on so they could relax.

"Umm less than 5 hours." He chuckled. The nurse laughed.

"I should have caught that with the outfits but somehow I missed it." His statement here made Derek forget about his panic and relax for a quick second before he looked down and saw the red spot on Meredith's dress as they pulled up beside the bed that the nurse asked Meredith to climb into.

"Um, is that normal?" Derek asked as he pointed out the spot, panic returning to him as if it had never left.

The nurse looked at the spot that Derek was pointing to and with a calm and even voice responded to them. "Don't panic. Sometimes things like this happen when women go into labour but I'm gonna go find out what is keeping Dr. Dennis. Just stay here and reassure her that it's going to be alright and I'll bring the doctor." He explained as he looked back and forth to each teenager.

He quickly left the room and within minutes was escorting Dr. Dennis into the room. "Meredith, Derek. It's good to see the two of you. Oh you got married. Congratulations." She said noticing the rings and their outfits. Her smile was genuine and bright for the couple. "Let's see what this little baby is trying to do in there." She said as she pulled the ultra sound machine over to Meredith's belly and began to manoeuvre the probe over the large bump that held their baby. "Well if you look closely." She said as she zoomed the image in on the baby. "The bands have not attached, so she is alright." She clarified. "However, I do believe you may be experiencing some pre-term labour. So I'm going to give you something to stop the labour, as well as something to stop the pain. If things slow down then I will let you go back home tonight, otherwise your honeymoon will be spent upstairs in a room all your own, but no sex or you will trigger labour again." She smiled as she took the probe from her belly and wiped off the cool gel.

She quickly picked up the chart from the door as she exited and headed towards the nurses' station.

"She's alright. See no bands." Derek said as he kissed her forehead.

"No bands." She smiled as she looked up at Derek. "So since, she almost came today, don't you think we should pick a name for her?" Meredith asked.

"Well what if when she comes out she doesn't like the name we call her? Can we change it?" He asked.

"We could, but for fun, and to take my mind off the..." Meredith's face scrunched again as she felt another contraction, "pain." She said as she exhaled. "Why don't we bounce around some ideas."

"I was thinking something like what she will bring to our life like, Hope, or Faith or Grace." Derek floated around the ideas.

"What about something like Angelica... like she's our little angel. It's fitting isn't it?" Meredith asked.

"Or we could go with something more trendy, like the names that celebrities are naming their kids, like Ashley or Crystal, maybe Courtney. And just spell it differently and throw people off." Derek said as they both laughed.

"I'd rather our kid not get laughed at because we spelt her name with two e's instead of a why, or a k instead of a c. She is gonna already be judged because we are so young." Meredith told him honestly.

"Just because we are young, doesn't mean she won't be loved, or raised right. I know we can do this. So screw what other people think, especially your mom." Derek said as he began to feel a little outraged.

Meredith fell back in shock as she watched Derek becoming protective of her and their baby. "I'm sorry." Derek said as he reached for her hand and kissed it lightly. "I love you and I hate that seeing her today put you into early labour that's all. I don't want you or baby to be hurt."

"It's ok." She smiled softly at him before she looked at the doctor who had just walked into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt. I'm just going to put these into the IV i'm hooking up for you, and I'm gonna hook up this fetal heart monitor to let us know what's going on inside there so that I don't have to bother you too on your honeymoon." She smiled at Meredith and Derek.

"Will you be alright while I go to the cafeteria and grab a soda?" He asked. Meredith nodded. "Can she have something too?" He asked the doctor.

"Yes, just nothing with milk in it that might be considered a meal, just in case." The doctor explained.

"Sure thing." Derek said before he leaned over and kissed Meredith on the top of the head. "I love you." He whispered before he quickly left the room.

"The two of you seem happy." Dr. Dennis commented.

"We are." Meredith said knowing that it was true. Even with Ellis' visit, they were still happy.

"This might make you a little sleepy, while we slow down the contractions, but I'll be monitoring them alright?" She made sure Meredith was comfortable with what she was doing before she administered the drugs. By the time Dr. Dennis had finished everything she explained to Meredith and Derek she would do, Meredith was fast asleep from the pain medication.

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