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Derek walked Meredith up to the apartment carrying the last of her things. "So what do you think?" Derek asked as they looked around the apartment. There were boxes in the corners but other than that the apartment was set up the way that they expected it to remain for the time being.

"I like it. Thank you for doing all of this and finding the place Derek. It means a lot that you would do this." She said as she tried to keep herself from crying. She sniffled a little before walking towards the bedroom in the back of the apartment.

"If you want to get some rest I can finish unpacking. We have classes tomorrow but I will get everything settled in afterwards." Derek told her as they stood in the doorway to the bedroom.

"Derek, I don't see why you don't just move in here with me. You're working so hard and helping pay for this apartment." Derek stopped her mid-sentence.

"Meredith, tell me what you see in that corner." Derek said with a smirk as he pointed to a box sitting beside the bed.

"A box labelled Derek's clothes?" She questioned. "See that's my point all your stuff is here basically."

"Meredith, you're not getting it." He cut her off again. "I brought my stuff too. I am moving in, you asked and I'm accepting. Besides if I didn't I think Dani would be angry. She's already mapping out my room." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"You are?" She asked with a smile on her face. "We're really going to do this aren't we?" She asked as a tear slid down her cheek. "I think I'm going to be sick." She said as she grabbed her stomach and ran towards the bathroom two doors down from where they were standing. Derek chuckled slightly to himself as he started moving boxes around trying to find the case of water and a box of soda crackers to bring to Meredith as he tucked her into bed once the vomiting had been ended.

"Rest up, I'll continue this stuff." Derek told her as he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Derek, you're exhausted. This stuff can wait. Hold me?" She asked him as her eyes fluttered, heavy with exhaustion. Derek looked deep into her eyes before they drooped once again and couldn't resist. He quickly crawled into bed next to her and brought her close to him, snuggling her deep into his chest. She quickly fell asleep against him as he listened to her soft breathing, lulling him to sleep next to her.

The next week or so had been draining, between going to classes, working in the food court, moving everything into the apartment, doctors appointments and just trying to breathe, Derek was slowly being burnt out. Meredith had begun to realize the toll all of this was taking on him when for the past two nights he could barely make it to the couch before passing out, never mind getting into bed next to her or throwing on a pair of pyjama bottoms. So Meredith had decided tonight would be about Derek. Relaxing him, pleasing him and catering to his every need, that was what was on the agenda tonight.

Meredith heard the click of Derek's key being slid into the lock and the click as he unlocked the door, careful to be quiet in case Meredith was sleeping. It was dark in the living room, minus a small candle sitting on the table behind the couch. Derek turned towards the bedroom finding a few more candles lining the hallway on various stands. A smile appeared on his exhausted features as he opened the door to find Meredith sitting on the side of the bed in a tank top and short shorts with her hair pulled up in a messy bun. If you didn't know, it wasn't possible to tell that Meredith was pregnant as it was too early in the pregnancy. The room was lit by candles burning on the dressers and night tables as soft ocean waves could be heard coming from the small cassette player on the dresser. "What is all this?" Derek asked as he finally kicked off his shoes and put down his bag.

"I figured I would do something for you since you have done so much for me these last few weeks." Meredith explained with a shrug as he walked over to her and placed his soft yet firm hands on her shoulders.

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