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It took a while for either of them to move from their positions. Everyone had long since gone home or out to celebrate. "Can you take me home Derek?" Meredith asked as she wiped away her tears. Derek nodded and the two of them walked slowly over to his pick-up truck. Derek, always the gentleman, walked over to her door and helped her into the truck before throwing his bag in the back and getting into the truck. He started the truck and began to drive in the direction of Meredith's house, no words exchanged.

Derek pulled up to Meredith's house and killed the engine as he parked in the driveway. He looked over to her but couldn't find anything to say. She looked up at him, as tears welled in her eyes again. She wanted him to tell her that everything was going to be alright but he hadn't spoken those words. He barely spoke at all since she had told him. All of the silence was beginning to wear on her and she quickly grabbed her things and ran from the truck, wanting to hide the disappointment and fear she was feeling.

Derek slammed his hand against the edge of the steering wheel as he let out a loud frustrated scream. He sat there for a moment, wanting to go after Meredith, but seeing that her mother's car was home he put the car in reverse and drove towards Mark's. Realizing Mark mentioned a party at Aaron's he changed direction and headed to the party.

Getting to the party quicker than he had realized he parked the truck and headed into the party. Derek walked passed a bunch of people who all cheered as he entered. He stopped at the keg and filled himself a cup of beer, which he drank down quickly before filling himself another. He then walked out to the backyard, sitting on the steps of the deck he slowly sipped his beer.

He noticed Mark and Lexie walking towards the house; it was quite obvious that Lexie was drunk as Mark chased her around the back yard. Lexie had fallen on the ground giggling when she pulled Mark down to her. Derek sighed deeply knowing that should have been him and Meredith having fun, but that wasn't how it was. He watched as the two of them were making an obviously public display of their relationship when they suddenly pulled apart as Lexie pulled something out of her pocket. Derek noticed the panic look that replaced the smile she wore moments before as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone.

He could only imagine that the caller was Meredith as Lexie ran past him smacking him on the head before disappearing through the house. Mark walked slowly after Lexie stopping in front of Derek for a moment. "What the hell happened man? Mer called Lexie in tears and your sitting here drinking?" Mark asked shaking his head.

"Go after your girlfriend Mark." Derek said with a scowl as he drank the rest of his beer and threw the plastic cup to the ground as he got up and walked past Mark, leaving the party. Mark was just behind him but caught up with Lexie who was waiting for the taxi she called. Derek climbed into his truck watching through the rear view mirror as Lexie and Mark climbed into the cab. He knew he shouldn't be driving but he started his truck anyways and pulled out, driving home.

Making it home without killing himself or anyone else he put the car in park and exited it, grabbing his bag as he walked around to the side door. He hoped his sisters wouldn't be down in the family room that sat outside his bedroom in the basement so he could avoid their questions and suspicions of why he had been drinking. He had no such luck as his older sisters Kathleen and Nancy sat on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey baby brother." Kathleen said with a smile at first sight of him. Her expression changed when she smelt the alcohol on his breathe. "Have you been drinking?" She asked with a disapproving tone.

"You didn't drive home did you?" Nancy asked in a weary tone.

"It's none of your business." Derek said as she rushed past his sisters, into his room where he tossed his gym bag, kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jeans before flopping down into his bed. He stared at the ceiling as he went over the events that occurred since winning the game. His life had changed from happy to total disarray in a matter of seconds. Those few words said and all his plans for his life just disappeared.

"There goes my life." He mumbled as he drifted into an uncomfortable sleep, dreaming of screaming babies, dirty diapers and living in a trailer.

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