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Meredith woke up to an empty bed. She sighed as she rolled out of bed. Today was her first real appointment with the OBGYN since her doctor confirmed the home pregnancy test with a blood test. She didn't get a chance to ask Derek to come to the appointment with her when he left early to pick up a shift at work since he was off on his suspension from school. She quickly showered and got ready before taking the bus to the doctor's office.

Meredith patiently waited in the designated waiting area of the doctor's office. She nervously played with her watch as she began feeling overwhelmed at all of the things that she would experience as soon as her name was called. She was also unsettled by the looks some of the other patients were making at her. She then realized that she was by far the youngest patient in the office, which made her stomach knot up as she imagined what they thought when they looked at her, so young and all alone. Her thoughts broke for a moment as she heard her name being called. She stood up and walked over to the nurse.
"No father?" The nurse asked.

"He um, he had to work" She squeaked out as she heard the door open behind her. She looked back hoping to see Derek rushing in but sighed when she saw the dark haired man sit down next to one of the other ladies.

"Just this way." The nurse instructed her to follow her into the examination room. "There is a gown over there if you want to change, Dr. Cumpson will be with you shortly." She explained as she closed the door behind her to let Meredith change. Meredith placed her hand on her stomach and sighed before she began to undress and place the gown on to get ready for her examination.

When she was finished changing she pulled herself up onto the examination table and leaned back. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to relax herself. She heard the door click open and she opened her eyes to sit herself up when a smile appeared on her face. "You made it." She smiled. "I wanted to ask you yesterday but I know how hard you have been working for us." She said as the smile dimmed as she thought of the situation they were in.

"I wouldn't make you do this alone Mer. I'm here for it all. That's why I left so early, so I could make it on time without losing any hours." He explained as he took her hand in his. He leaned over and kissed her head as the door opened again and Dr. Cumpson entered.

"Meredith Grey?" The doctor asked as she looked up from the chart. Meredith nodded. "And you are?" The doctor asked.

"Derek Shepherd. The baby's father." Derek said as he smiled. Dr. Cumpson nodded and quickly scribbled into the chart. "Alright let's get started." She said as she set the chart down and began the exam.

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