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"Derek I don't want to go to early dinner at my father's. I don't want to dress up, and I don't even want to get off this couch." She complained.

"Meredith, don't do this. They went through a lot of trouble to have this family dinner so the least you could do was put in some effort. We are all worried about that little girl, and I know you are freaking out but the doctor said you going out and having dinner, or even going for a walk or dancing around the house isn't going to bounce the baby into a band. You have no control over it so we just have to pray and hope and the doctor will monitor the situation. You sitting on that couch day after day is not doing any good for your state of mind. So I am saying this as the man who will love you forever, get off your ass and get ready before I make you." He said giving her what could only be explained as "I'm serious" father-type look.

"Yes Sir!" Meredith said as she saluted him and got up causing him to chuckle before heading into the bathroom as he did up his clean white dress shirt.

Meredith quickly dressed in a nice white spring dress that Derek had bought her and told her to wear. When she was finished Derek walked into the room and stopped. "Wow." He said, his words barely a whisper, his breath had literally been taken away.

Her blonde hair was in waves, hanging over her shoulders as she smiled back at him. "You're just saying that.†She blushed. "I'm a whale and I'm only 7 months pregnant." She said.

"You are anything but." He said as he stepped closer to her and embraced her, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you... both of you." He said as he placed his hand lightly on her stomach. "Let's go. The family is waiting." He smiled as he took her hand in his and they headed off towards Susan and Thatcher's house.

Meredith's Dress but her dress is white

Meredith's Dress but her dress is white

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