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Derek stood in the middle of the restaurant swishing the mop back and forth as he began his cleaning routine so he could lock up and head home to Meredith. Mopping was quite a stress reliever, the swishing motion letting his mind turn off as his movements became repetitive, only this time his mind wouldn't shut off. He couldn't stop himself from thinking.

His mind wound back to a few short months ago when he found out that Meredith was pregnant and how all he could think about was that his life was over, and now he was worried about that precious baby girl growing inside of Meredith. The thoughts of how there was something inside there with her ready to rip her apart and hurt his baby girl and there was nothing he could do to save her whirled around his mind. He felt so helpless so he could only imagine how Meredith was feeling. She was probably still lying at home on the couch trying not to move for fear that one movement would cause a band to attach to the little girl growing inside her. His throat dried of at the thought and he dropped the handle of the mop, letting it fall to the floor. He tried to swallow but when he couldn't, he fell to the floor beside the mop, tears streaming down his face. He placed his face in his hands and his body shook as he cried.

"Please don't take her from me. She's my life now, don't take her." He sobbed.

"Derek?" he heard someone call from behind him and he looked back as he whipped his face.

"Susan?" He questioned in shock. He stood up and whipped his face again with the back of his hands before whipping them on his pants. "What are you doing here?" He sniffled, trying to compose himself.

"I just came from seeing Meredith. Thatcher is still with her." She explained. "How are you doing?" She asked.

"Why don't we sit for a few minutes?" Derek offered as he walked her over to one of the booths. He sat down and looked across at Susan. "I'm, well I guess you saw." He said, trying to keep his composure. Susan reached across the table and put her hand on his and squeezed ever so lightly.

"Remember what we talked about when you were moving Meredith into the apartment?" Derek nodded. "When do you think we should get that set for?" She asked.

"I was thinking two to three weeks from now, before we got the news but I know Meredith won't do it now. She won't even get off the couch to go to the bathroom half the time and I can't blame her."

"Don't you worry about that right now. I will handle all of the stuff we talked about, you finish up here and we'll meet back up at your house in a half hour. I was never here though alright?" She asked as she fixed her purse on her shoulder and stood up. She smiled at Derek before taking a step closer to him and embracing him in a hug as he stood from the booth. "You will be a great father to that little girl. Everything will be alright. I'm sure of it." She said as she stepped back and smiled before leaving the restaurant.

Derek sniffled and took a deep breath before getting back to his mopping so he could head home and be with Meredith. His mind now moving to happier thoughts as he mopped, hoping and praying for the future that he had planned for Meredith, their little girl and himself, together, one happy family.

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