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"I can't believe this is our baby." Derek smiled as he posted the picture on the fridge, holding it there with a magnet. "It sucks they couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl yet. Either way he or she is already loved. Meredith you have no idea how thrilled I am after seeing it; the little peanut shape growing in there." Derek continued to ramble on about the baby as he walked into the living room not realizing Meredith wasn't following. A few seconds later he poked his head into the kitchen. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Ya, just tired." Meredith said as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. She placed the jug back in the fridge and followed Derek into the living room. "You can't tell if it's a boy or a girl because the thing is so small, besides what seems to be a hand is covering whatever may or may not be under there." She sighed.

"Can you believe all of this is happening? I didn't plan on any of this happening this way. I thought we would be old and have jobs and stuff before we had kids, but I'm so happy Meredith." He said as he wrapped his arms around her as they sat on the couch. Meredith swallowed her juice and looked at Derek quizzically. "What?" He questioned.

"You thought about us having kids?" Meredith asked.

"Ya didn't you? I told you I love you. To me that means wife, kids, future." Derek realizing what he said stumbled on his words. "I guess I am sort of old fashioned. I guess I just have this picture in my head. It's how my parents were. High school sweethearts, in love forever, well until you know. But I know my mom is still in love with him and will be forever. I doubt she will ever find anyone to replace my dad. I actually don't think she wants to." He explained.

"I just never thought that far in the future about anything other than going to Dartmouth and becoming a surgeon like my mom." Meredith shrugged. "I wonder if that will still happen." She stated sadly.

"It will, Mer. We'll make it happen, even if I have to work 10 jobs and take care of the little peanut in there, we will complete all of our dreams, together." Derek tried to reassure her but something in Meredith kept telling her she wasn't as confident as Derek seemed to be. "I'm just so glad that both you and the baby are healthy." Derek smiled as he flicked on the television and laid on the couch, his head in Meredith's lap as she pondered all that he had just said.

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