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Derek walked into the apartment and threw his keys in the bowl beside the door. He kicked off his shoes as he called out for Meredith. He sighed in relief when he heard music coming from their bedroom. He walked towards the bedroom and sighed again as he saw the door was closed. He placed his hand on the handle when he reached the door at the end of the small hallway. He turned the knob expecting the door to open but found it to be locked. He leaned his head against the door, creating a knock on the door. "Mer.... Meredith, open the door please." He told her. He called to her a few more times before he sunk down onto the floor sitting against the door, occasionally asking her to open the door so they could talk, telling her that he was sorry and that he took care of things, but she still didn't open the door for him. He didn't move from the door but instead thought about a bunch of things that were on his mind, eventually his thoughts tired him out and he fell asleep sitting up against the door.

The soft music floated through the room in a low hum as Meredith lay sleeping on the bed she shared with her boyfriend. She held a pillow close to her chest as she cuddled into it, supplementing it in the absence of the warm soothing body of Derek. Her face was angelic as she smiled in her sleep, cradling the pillow closer to her as she dreamed.

Meredith sat on the bench as the warm sun beat on her face. She smiled as she looked up seeing Derek heading towards her carrying an ice cream cone with one scoop of strawberry. She placed her hand lovingly on her swollen belly as he sat down next to her. He handed her the strawberry ice cream. As he did, the ice cream dripped onto her finger. She looked down at it to see a beautiful engagement ring placed on her finger. Her cheeks reddened as he took her hand in his and licked away the ice cream as a small child with bouncing brown curls barrelled into Derek's lap giggling as he picked up the child and kissed his forehead. Meredith looked at him as his shining blue eyes mimicked his fathers. She looked down to find her swollen belly gone as she smiled at her boys sitting across from her.

Meredith awoke with a smile on her face, the sun warming her face as it had in her dream. She sat up with a sudden urge that she had to pee. She jumped off the bed and headed for the door. She pulled but the door seemed to be stuck. Trying again she pulled to have Derek slump down onto the ground with a thud at her feet. She giggled as Derek groaned and rubbed his head. "That was mean." He grumbled.

Meredith jumped over his body and ran to the bathroom. When she came back out she stood over Derek who hadn't moved from the spot he was in when she entered the bathroom. "What are you doing on the floor?" She asked as she giggled again.

"You locked me out." He said with a raised eyebrow as he sat up.

"I did no such thing." She said as she tilted her head as he stood up in front of her. "The door got stuck again. We're going to have to tell the landlord about that. That's a safety hazard."

"Oh." Derek said as he inspected the door and then the doorframe. Meredith walked over to the bed and sat down in the middle as she crossed her legs.

"I'm sorry I ran out of school like I did." She said as she frowned and looked down at her hands in her lap. "I'm going to get detention for skipping." She sighed. "So are you. I'm sorry Derek." She said as she looked at him as he sat down on the edge of the bed and took her hands in his.

"Detention is the least of my worries." He sighed. Meredith gave him a confused look. "I got suspended for punching Kellerman." Derek answered sheepishly.

"Derek!" Meredith gasped.

"I'm sorry but he hurt you and I got angry and I just couldn't take it and well I punched him." He explained. "Please don't be mad." He pleaded.

"I'm not mad. It's kinda hot." She said as she raised her eyebrow seductively.

"Oh it is, is it?" He asked as he moved closer to her, taking her lips in his. He pushed her back onto the bed and began to straddle her body when the phone interrupted them. Derek groaned as he looked at the clock before jumping up to get the phone, knowing he was late for work with the look of the clock. "I'm sorry I'm late. I'll be right there." Derek said quickly into the phone. "I'm sorry Mer." He said as he quickly grabbed his things from the closet and ran for the door. "I love you." He called before Meredith heard the apartment door close.

"I love you too." She said in a whisper as she placed her hand on her stomach and smiled, remembering her dream as if it had been real, hoping that someday it would be.

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