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Derek walked into the house and looked around finding no one home. He figured his sisters must be out somewhere, but he had thought his mother was off work today. He sat down at the kitchen table and put his head into his hands when he heard the backdoor open. He looked up to find his mother with a bag of leaves in her hands that had a pumpkin face on the bag. He tried to give her a little smirk but she saw right through him, dropping the bag and sitting down across from him. "Derek what's wrong honey?" She asked as she took off her gloves. "You wouldn't open the door today and it took Mark dragging you off. Please talk to me." She begged her only son.

"Mom, I did something you're not going to like." He said as his eyes watered at the thought of letting down his mother. She placed her hands supportively over his as she looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm always on your side you know this. Whatever it is just tell me." She urged him.

"Meredith and I.... she's pregnant mom. I got her pregnant and her mother is throwing her out. Tell me what to do mommy." He said as the tears slid down his cheeks. He laid his head down on the table as his body shook. Carolyn moved closer to her son and wrapped her arms around him as he repositioned his head to her shoulder as she held him as he cried.

When Derek had settled, he wiped his tears on the back of his hand and looked up at his mother for answers. He watched for a moment as she thought about what to say to him, eventually exhaling a sigh. "Derek, you know how I feel about Meredith... I really wish you would have come to me before having sex. I wish you would have been safe." She sighed.

"We were.... it was my fault, I messed up and the condom broke." Derek said embarrassed. "Mom, what do I do? I got her into this mess, but neither of us will be responsible for terminating a pregnancy." He said sincerely.

"Derek, I really wish I could let her come stay with us, but you know how hard it has been since your father's passing. Trying to put you and your sisters through school, clothes on your back and food on the table is really not that easy. I don't like to burden you kids with this but the simple fact is my income can't handle another mouth to feed, never mind a little baby on top of that." Carolyn's heart was breaking as she told her son the truthful facts that there was just no way that she could let Meredith come and stay with them. "Not to mention, Ellis is my boss. What do you think she is going to do if she found out I let her daughter come and stay here when she has kicked her out? I just... I can't do it Derek." She said as she got up and walked into the kitchen, putting on a cup of tea.

Derek followed her into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. "But mom, what do I do?" He asked again. Carolyn took the tea towel and wiped up the water that had dripped from the kettle before placing it on the rack and turning to face Derek.

"I can give you your college fund whenever you need it Derek, and I can... I can be a grandmother." She said, a small smile gracing her lips as she said the word, "I can be there for you Derek. I will support you emotionally but I can't give you the answers. This is something that only you and Meredith can decide. Whatever that decision is I'll support you." She said as she walked over to her son and placed her hand on his cheeks and kissing his forehead. "I love you my son." She said before giving him a hug. Derek gripped onto his mother tightly, hoping that his tears would not fall again. They broke apart when the kettle began to whistle. "Would you like some tea?" She asked him. "It may help sooth your nerves." She explained.

"Not just yet, there are some things I need to do. Do we still have the paper from yesterday with the want ads?" Derek asked.

"In the newspaper stack, right on top." Carolyn told him as he took off out the door to begin his search as she poured herself a cup of tea, trying to stop herself from worrying about the obstacles heading straight for her son and his girlfriend as they dealt with the outcome of their sexual experience.

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