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Derek walked to the normal table in the cafeteria that the group always ate at. He slid into his chair and placed his head into his arms as he closed his eyes. Mark took his seat beside Derek and slammed the tray down, hearing Derek grumble at the loud noise. "What's got your boxers in a bunch?" Mark asked Derek as he opened the container holding his sandwich.

"I'm just exhausted." Derek said as he lifted his head and yawned.

"Mer keeping you up? That a boy." Mark said as he nudged Derek's arms. "Might as well get some before the baby comes." He said with a shrug.

"Mark!" Derek said as he glared at him. "Would you keep it down? Meredith doesn't want it out until, well until it's obvious." Mark gave an apologetic nod and continued eating his food as Meredith and Lexie sat down at the table with them. Derek looked at the amount of food on her tray. "Awh thanks for getting me some." He said with a smile as he went to reach over and grab half of the sandwich. Meredith glared at him as he touched the sandwich. "Or umm, I'll go get my own." Derek said, retracting his hand from her tray as he stood up and went into line.

"You're going to eat all of that?" Mark asked.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Meredith asked Mark with a glare.

"Nope." Mark said as he swallowed the bite of sandwich he had taken, trying not to watch as Meredith ate the mountain of food on her tray.

"What did Shepherd do knock you up Grey?" A kid walking by asked as he looked at the amount of food on her tray. Meredith's emotions flipped on a dime as tears began to fall down her cheeks as she stood up and ran from the cafeteria just as Derek had come back and placed his tray on the table.

"What did you say to her Mark?" Derek asked, still standing, as he looked at his best friend.

"Nothing, I swear. It was that dumbass over there. Kellerman made a joke about how much she was eating." Mark explained as Derek marched over to Kellerman and without a second thought punched him in the face, knocking him down with one punch before he ran out into the hall trying to find Meredith.

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