Only Yours

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We put our stuff into SUV's and drove the airport where we then flew to Moscow.

We went to the exact location I had Greyson track down and scoped the area before returning to a private house that I have just an hour away.

We started gearing up, and although it was already 2 in the morning. I couldn't give a shit if my men were tired.

We're getting Lilah back in the next 2 hours or I'm killing everyone that even steps foot in my line of vision.


I feel numb.

If I was before, that was bullshit.

I can't feel from my waist down and I can't feel my fucking arms.

I can barely lift my head and it hurts.

How much fucking fight do I have left?

Why won't my body just give out already?

"Hey Lilah. I think you're gonna like this." Dimitri says coming into my line of vision. He has to crouch a little since he knows I can't lift my head.

I gather up whatever the fuck I have in my mouth and spit on him.

I immediately receive a slap to the face but it was 100% worth it.

He wipes his face before he continues.

"We're going to brand you."

I seriously didn't think it could get any worse.

I don't say anything, as I know what I would say would end in another slap to the face. Or who knows, more cuts or gunshots.

They take a heated nested rod with a symbol on the end and he has someone lift up my hair.

"You wouldn't mind if we put it on your neck would you?" Dimitri asks me.

I don't even have time to answer before they place the scorching hot metal to the back of my neck.

I cry out in pain, but there's not anything I can do.

My cries are low and full of pain, but nobody outside of this room can fucking hear me.

I feel my eyes close and I struggle to keep the open.

If I close my eyes, that's it.

Everything's over.

I'm officially finished.

I don't want to give Dimitri the satisfaction of knowing he killed the greatest assassin in the world..

But sometimes what I want, is far out of reach from what I can have.

And just like that i'm engulfed in darkness once again.

Hopefully, for good this time.

That lasted about 5 seconds until I was slapped awake again.

With all my strength I scream, "Ugh, what the fuck!.. Can't you just let me die?.."

Like damn, let me have my peace. Well, I wouldn't get far with peace. I'll be goin to hell..

I heard laughing and I scowled. Little bitches. But that was immediately cut off by the sound of gunshots and yelling.. They all ran out of the room leaving me with my delusional fucking thoughts. I don't give a fuck who it is, just save me.

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