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There was a knock on my door and I let whoever it was come in. I looked up from my desk to see Veronica and Claudia standing next to a dark hair girl.

A very pretty girl.

She looks around my age and she was kinda short. My hopes definitely aren't high for this new recruit.

"Sir." she said going to the position of attention. "Ma'am." I replied in the same tone. "Oh Jesus." Veronica said rolling her eyes.

You let out a short chuckle. "Call me boss or Elijah." I said in a dominating tone. "I won't accept anything else." you finished.

"Yes si- Yes boss." she replied

"Show her to her room." you told Veronica and Claudia, keeping eye contact with the girl. "Your training starts tomorrow." you added. "Okay. Come on Lilah." Veronica told her, walking out of the room the next second.


What a pretty name, for a pretty girl. That's fucking cheesy. I don't even know her. She could very well be pretty as hell, but ugly as fuck on the inside. Ugh, what am I? In fifth grade?

I went back to signing papers and checking shipment days. The usual boring shit I do everyday. But tomorrow will be different. I'll get to see what the new rec- Lilah, can do. Probably not much, judging by how small she is. Although, we don't just recruit just anyone.. So obviously she isn't shit terrible. I guess we'll see.

I worked for the next few hours before signing the last paper. I stretched and sat back in my chair. I checked the time and it was around 6:30. I didn't have anything else to do so I decided to go ask Lilah some questions.

I walk out of my office locking the door behind me and then make my way towards the stairs. I'm stopped though, when I hear a familiar high pitched scream.

"Daddy!!" Bethany screams, charging down the hallway towards me. I let out a low groan and roll my eyes in annoyance. "Who the fuck let you in?" you asked her angrily. "I just walked past the guards, no biggie!" she replied. Both of my guards who were supposed to be guarding the door came down the hallway seconds later, panting. "Learn how to do your fucking jobs!" I yelled at them. "Sorry boss. She was too fast. Even in those heels." one replied. I sighed before pulling out my gun and shooting her right between the eyes. Execution style.

"If another one of these bitches get into my house again, the both of you are next." I I said through gritted teeth. "Yes boss." they replied, their tail practically between their legs. "Get someone to clean this shit up and go back to your posts." I said waving them off.

I went upstairs and straight to Lilah's room. I got there and knocked 3 times. Not even a minute later the short dark haired girl appeared.

Holy shit she's beautiful. I don't think I've ever met anyone who looks as perfect as her. Oh what the fuck Elijah. This isn't like me, snap out of it.

"Elijah." She said slowly looking up to me. "Lily, right?" I asked her. Knowing damn well that wasn't her name. "Lilah." she corrected me. "My apologies. I have a few questions for you Lilah." I said walking in, not even bothering to ask.

It's my house for fucks sake.

She cleared her throat indicating she was ready to answer. She closed the door after you walked in. "First things first; Training starts at 9:15, so be there at 9:00." she nodded her head in response.

"How long as you been training?"

"Five years."

"Who trained you?"

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