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We got back home, and we've been home for a few days now.

Everything's been back to normal but.. Me and Elijah haven't said anything to each other.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me.

We're not doing it on purpose.. I think it might be because.. We.. We don't really have anything to say to each other.

I haven't eaten for days and no one- Except for Vee had noticed.

I really wish I met this family on different terms, but it's too fucking late.

The guilt is starting to eat me alive and I can't even look at anyone the same.

The truth will come out.

It scares the shit out of me that I don't know when.

I love these people more then anything, they've made me smile more in the time i've known them then in my whole fucking lifetime before that.

I've had more mental breakdown's about this is the last few days than I've looked anyone in the eye.

I'd just start crying and then it wouldn't stop, and it's so.. Tiring.

I'm tired.

And I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I don't know if i'll end up confessing, or if Giovanni just straight up rats me out.

I don't know and this is the longest i've gone being oblivious to what my future is going to look like.

I fucked this up so bad.

A week.

It was supposed to take a fucking week.

Somehow I found my way onto the roof. Out of sight and out of mind from everyone else..

Or so I thought.

"Get down before you end up falling." I heard Elijah say.

"That wouldn't be such a terrible thing.." I say.

"It would be.. For me." he replies.

"Yeah.." I let my forehead rest on my knees while my arms are wrapped around my legs.

"Can you please come down?.." He asked politely.

"I don't really want to." I tell him.

"Guess I'm coming up." He says making his way over to me.

"It honestly took me a while trying to find you. This is the last place I looked." He informed me.

He was looking for me?

"Why, do you need me?" I ask him.

"Well yes.. But not for anything specific." he replies.

"You're starting to flirt a lot. You sure you don't have a crush on me?" I laugh.

"Well.." he pauses.

He just looks at me.. Seeming to be in thought.

"I can't really answer that with words because I don't know." he tells me.

"With words?" I ask confused.

He scoots a little closer to me, leaning into my ear. His breath hitting my skin is electrifying. Sending shivers down my spine.

"I can't put it into words.." he whispers to me.

I think I understand what he means.

It's confirmed when he starts leaving soft kisses down my jawline.

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