𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

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"Yn, my love, there are a lot of things that I want you to know about," Her mother brought her shaky hands near her daughter's cheek which Yn immediately placed back on her lap, knowing how much muscle pain this movement caused her mother

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"Yn, my love, there are a lot of things that I want you to know about," Her mother brought her shaky hands near her daughter's cheek which Yn immediately placed back on her lap, knowing how much muscle pain this movement caused her mother.

"Don't move. I know you were given massages during your sleep but still, it's not okay for you to move this much," Yn poured out her worry, not paying much attention to the piece of information her mother was trying to convey.

"Jungkook didn't cheat," The abrupt words from her mother made Yn look at her sharply.

"What do you mean...?" Yn breathed out, unsure of what to comprehend as the incident took place behind her mother's back and her mother was way more confident stating in his defence.

"I and your father wanted to keep everything a secret from you and made Jungkook and his family promise us to never enclose this to anyone. I thought I'll tell you when you are ready. When we are ready for it... But things didn't turn out as planned," Her mother's words trailed off into the empty room, her husband nodding quietly from his position.

"What secret?" With a frown, Yn raised the question. She turned her head to her father and repeated, "What secret is she talking about?"

Her dad walked closer to the box and opened it, revealing a bunch of pictures and stuff which looked like souvenirs. Yn picked up the bunch and scanned through each one of them one by one.

Each picture had a lady. A lady Yn couldn't seem to recall, but felt like she looked like someone, or maybe her.

Some pictures had her dad in them, too. Looking like a couple, a happy one. As she shuffled through the pictures, her scanning stopped at one. One that had the lady smiling the brightest, holding her big belly with Yn's father holding her from behind and looking at her with an indescribable amount of love.

"She's my elder sister, dear," Yn snapped at the sudden voice as she looked back at her mother. "Your biological mom..."

The insecurity in her eyes was obvious. The more Yn stared into her orbs, the more fright she saw in them. Yn didn't know how to react. Her senses went numb and her mind was fuzzy at the sight of a distressed woman. It was as if she was told her entire life was a lie, a misunderstanding.

"She is the one who gave you birth..." Her mother expanded, taking her hands in hers and caressing the back of them with her thumb. Yn was clueless about what to utter anymore.

"Jina..." The two of them looked at her father as he took one of the pictures with the lady; supposedly Yn's mother was holding a bunch of flowers and smiling into the camera. "Han Jina was her name. She was a heart patient. I didn't want to keep you because the pregnancy was a big threat to her but she was stubborn. She wanted to experience motherhood and so she didn't budge with her decision. She couldn't bear the labour and we lost her."

Her father's voice began to tremble as he spoke, the tone so soft that no one but only the family could tell that his eyes were tearing up, but he was controlling it. Yn got up from her seat and supported her, unnoticeably quivering father's arm.

He wiped the sole tear that fell without his permission and continued, "I couldn't deal with the pain, couldn't keep up with anything. My life was a wreck. Depression, anxiety and whatnot. Our parents wanted me to adapt back to life and to take care of you, they arranged me with Sara, your biological mother's little sister, your current mother. That was also when Jungkook's father decided to help my business and collab as partners and work together as one company. Sara loved you, like your own mother. Took me long enough but I made it. Got back to business and continued a happy life with Sara, fell again."

"Why did nobody ever tell me anything?" Yn asked, choking on her tears.

"We thought you were too young to know all that and in your teenage years, it was clear to us that you'd take the blame on yourself if we tell you that. We thought the mature you will understand better. We didn't want you to hate us..." Everyone in the room was shedding tears, sobbing, as Yn's mother or precisely, stepmother acknowledged.

Yn hugged her mother as she assured how she doesn't hate anyone for anything and feels grateful for them. Her father joined them in the hug as the trio sobbed on each other's shoulders.

"B-But..." Yn suddenly uttered, breaking the hug. "How did Jungkook and Rachael find out about it?"

"Jungkook's father revealed it to Rachael and her family and about Jungkook, he was young when he accidentally found that out. He swore to never let you know and he kept the promise, just like your dada did..." Her Mother answered.

"I don't get it..."

"Do you remember that I went to meet Jungkook's mother? It was the day of the ky accident..." Yn nodded at her mother's words, remembering each part of it. "Before leaving, she told me that Rachael came to meet Jungkook and I called him to talk about it. Jungkook skipped lunch timing and came to me, informing me how Rachael has found out and is threatening to expose you to the school web. I just told him to leave and planned to fix everything but I was about to leave too, I was hit by Rachael's car, which followed Jungkook."

"Jungkook's father wanted the money so he ganged up with Rachael's father who just agreed upon everything his stubborn daughter asked," Her father added.

Jungkook tugged on the tissue papers, bogging his feet up and down in nervousness as he timely peered at the lady sitting in front of him. Staring at him, more like his soul. It was Yn. After waiting for hours, he was finally called inside the room and was able to warmly greet Yn's stepmother. He did bawl in her embrace at first but calmed himself down pretty quickly. Right now, he was sitting in the dining room of Yn's house in America, getting stared constantly by the one who offered the coffee.

"So..." He began, still not meeting eyes with her. "They told you everything?"

She nodded.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She shrugged, without taking her eyes off him.

"I dunno what you think of me now but I always—"

"Jerk!" She suddenly shrieked, interrupting him in his speech and throwing the large cup of cold coffee on him.

By the time he recovered from the cold and wiped his face, he was met by a sobbing Yn, again looking at him dead in the eye.

"Are you aware of what I have gone through all these years?" She could barely speak at this point.

She slowly stretched out her arms, opening them wide enough for him to catch the signal and embrace her. He did not waste a second in grabbing her wrists, wrapping her arms around his neck and embracing her body closer to his.

"Gosh, I was dying for this..." He mumbled, burying his face into her neck as water began to fill his eyes.

"I dunno how to say this but..." Yn parted her upper half a little as she looked at him in the eyes, full of love, even with tears and redness; she continued, "Can I have a second chance?"

" Yn parted her upper half a little as she looked at him in the eyes, full of love, even with tears and redness; she continued, "Can I have a second chance?"

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I know what you want. An epilogue, right? Read the next chapter then. 😊

𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 [ᴊᴋ ꜰꜰ]Where stories live. Discover now