Chapter 37: Hayasaka wants to take care of him

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Ishigami: That's true but I agree with Kaedehara-senpai.

Ishigami: One person would be enough to visit him.

Miyuki: Anyways, Kaedehara. Just take your time to rest, okay?

Ryota: Yeah.....*cough*

Ryota: Thanks.

Miyuki: Get well soon.

Ryota: Yeah. I will.

Then he hungs up the call as we all looked at each other. Until Tohma-senpai breaks the silence.

Tohma: Well, I guess we shouldn't overwhelm Kaedehara by us visiting in large numbers.

Miyuki: That is true.

Then, Hayasaka also barges in the room.

Hayasaka: Is it true!? Kaedehara-kun is sick!?

Miyuki: Y-Yeah...........

Hayasaka: I see.

Hayasaka: I just heard it when President Shirogane is talking to someone while saying the words of Kaedehara-kun being absent.

Chika: You look so worried.

Hayasaka: Yeah. Also, I guess this is my chance to repay him.

Miyuki: Repay him?

Hayasaka: He helped me in studying during the finals, so I wanted to repay him by visiting him when he is sick.

Miyuki: I see.

Kaguya: But, our number will eventually overwhelm him.

Tohma: Well, the me and some of the members of the music club will visit him some time.

Tohma: Maybe 2 days from now on.

Tohma: Well then, thanks for the heads up. I'll be going now.

He then left the student council room.

Miyuki: I guess one of us should visit him.

Miyuki: But since everyone wanted to visit him, a simple decision by choosing would be difficult.

Then Fujiwara-san rummages something and shows a deck of cards.

Chika: Then, let's play Concentration to decide.

A few moments later. The president exposed Fujiwara-san's cheating in the game as she became ashamed that the president managed to find out her cheating methods and used it to won by himself.

Then she went home.

Hayasaka: Looks like, President Shirogane won.

Miyuki: Hmmmmm? I really can't visit him today as I have a job.

Hayasaka: I'll go.

Miyuki: You will?

Hayasaka: Yes.

Miyuki: Well then. Goodluck.

The Maid and the Maple Leaf (Hayasaka Ai x OC Male)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat