"Because you're not sure, or you don't want to hurt my feelings?"

"I would say both."

"If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?"

"In one word?"

"That's all."

He thinks for a moment. "Kind?"

"Was that a question?"

"Well, you're kind, but you're also quite strict. You use your strictness to teach people right from wrong," he says with a smile. "If I'm being honest, I feel as if you've become more sociable as well. I can see how close you've become with Maryanne."

A small smile covers my face. "Well, she reminds me of someone."

"Who might that be?"

"Someone who wouldn't know even if I told you."

"I see."

"But thank you for the compliments, Nigel."

"It's nothing." He pushes the door to the dining room open. As we step in, I notice Renée's mother and father sitting at the table in conversation.

They look towards us when they hear the door. "I see you found Renée." Her mother smiles as Nigel leads me to the chair beside her.

"She was fairly difficult to find," Nigel says as he pulls out the chair. I take a seat and let him push it back in.

"Was she?" Renée's father nods as Nigel rounds the table to his seat across from me.

"I was searching all over the estate for you since you were late."

"Sorry about that," I say. They all give me funny looks, and I awkwardly look away in response.

Renée's father motions to the staff, and they place a soup in front of us. "I heard from Fredrich that you've been taking many of your meals in the library."

"I've heard that as well." Renée's mother nods. "What might be the reason you're spending quite a bit of time there?"

"I've decided to expand... my horizons." I take my spoon and begin eating along with everyone else.

"And what brought this about?" Renée's father asks.

"I... had a realization that... I'm not aware of the world I live in."

"And what have you been learning?"

I nervously smile. "The history of the Kingdom and province."

He stops, as if he's connecting a couple of dots in his head. "The history of the Kingdom and province?"

"That sounds very informative." Renée's mother smiles as she sets her spoon on the table. As usual, she's left most of the food behind.

"I didn't know you were reading up on those topics." Nigel also sets his spoon down, leaving some of his soup behind as well.

I nod as I empty my entire bowl. "Although it isn't my favourite thing to read, it's the best place to build a foundation."

"A foundation for what?" Renée's father asks.

Seems like now might be a good time to ask him. "A foundation for—"

"Oh my! This looks delicious!" Renée's mother states as plates of steak are placed in front of us.

"You were saying, Renée?" Renée's father asks as he cuts into his steak.

Her mother looks at me. "My apologies for interrupting you."

RenéeWhere stories live. Discover now