The meeting ends at 4 which is surprising. I was expecting it to end at like 7.. But I enjoy the free time. I go to the kitchen and search for a snack.. It's just my luck the snacks are in the top cabinets.

I climb up onto the counter and open the cabinet. I go through a shit ton of snacks before I land on some sun chips. I close the cabinet and turn around about to jump down when I realize i'm not alone.

"You know you could've asked any one of us right?" Greyson asks a boyish smile on his face.

"I would have gladly gotten you the snack you wanted." Ben adds.

"Me too." Veronica adds.

"I won't ask you for shit when I can get it myself. Now help me down." I demand. Ben walks over and I fall into his arms.

"Thanks prince charming." I say as he puts me down.

He throws me a smile and I head towards the door.

"Are you and Elijah still not on speaking terms?" Greyson asked me.

"Am I with him right now?" I asked him.

"No." he replied.

"Then you just answered your own question." I turn on my heals and leave the kitchen.

I got to my room and put on a movie.

I have to at least make it seem like I'm doing something other than being on the phone with the enemy.

I call Giovanni.

"How's it going?" he asked me as he answers.

"I have the plan memorized if you would like to know it." I told him.

"I'm putting you on speaker." he notifies me. "Okay start talking." he tells me.

I go over the whole plan and I guess someone on the other end is writing his down because he asked me to pause a few times.

I know i'm betraying Elijah, but lately I haven't been giving a fuck.

I still love everyone just as much, but Elijah makes my blood boil.

Veronica enters my room around 8 and she has a smile on her face that could turn heads.

"What are you so happy about?" I ask curiously.

"We're going out tonight." She smiled. "Girls only." she added.

"Alright.. Did you ask Elijah?" I asked her.

"No. If he asks where we're going just say 'out.'" she replied.

I nodded in agreement.

We all got ready in Veronica's room since she has literally every single thing needed.

Unlike me.

I got on this skintight deep red dress that went to my mid thigh and Vee's was a lot similar but navy blue.

Next, she did our makeup.

"You better not fuck this up." I told her.

"You should know me better than that by now."

"Fine, but I'm putting my trust in you right now."

When she was done and I looked in the mirror I gasped at myself. I was like a different person.

In a good way.

She gave me a smoked out black liner with highlighter and a red lip to match my dress.

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