Hungry Vamp

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Alright people, I have been in little space all day and am trying my best to come out of it to write this. This will mean that this chapter will most likly have more cuss words and maybe even more violent and sexual content because all of these things will help me not to regress (i hope) So lets get this party started I guess.....also as said before if you have a problem with me being little feel free to get the fuck off my page and not read this book thank you <3

I feel my world crashing around me at Gabriel's sick twisted smile and Ace's arms come crashing around my waist as i start to fall to the ground. Instead of him trying to keep me up he simply brings us both to the floor as he calmly rocks me back and forth on his lap.  "What does that mean Gabriel...are you going to try to kill us yourself? I swear to you right now I wil rip your motherfucking heart out before I let you touch her do you understand me?" Ace yells across the room at Gabriel.

"You know what when this is all done and over with, I will most certainly be spanking your wolfie ass for not trusting me, and who knows I might even have little mouse watch." This gets both mine and Ace's attention and I look up to see Gabriel flash across the room to stand in front of both of us..."Does that mean you are not going to kill us Gabriel?" I ask in a timid, but calm voice. If he is spanking Daddy's bum then that must mean he wants us to live after this. I think to myse trying not to smile about Daddy getting spanked.

"Damn little mouse, I lost the title of Master? I fucked up really bad. Look I'm sorry, I swear I will never kill or harm eathier of you. They found out, which means we are going to kill my family. I can honestly say that I am so happy they finally gave me a good reason to end their wasteful lives." He still has a sick smile on his face but this time I know it is not directed at us which makes me feel much safer. But what could a family do to make their own son want them dead?

Ace stops rocking me and gets me up off the floor to look at Gabriel in the eyes before I can stop anything Ace punched Gabriel directly in the eye and then kick him hard in the nuts. Now trust me I know I am a girl, but I even cringed at the power behind Ace's kick. Then Ace walks closer to him, I try to pull him back but he tells me to trust him and I do so I let him go. He grabs Gabriel's hair on the back of his head and pulls his face up to him, then kisses him....KISSES HIM! Like a hot, fucking panty wetting kiss omfg!!!

"Remember one thing Gabriel, I'm an Alpha. If you want to spank this ass then you're going to have to fight me for vamp. Now lets go kill some old ass vamps."

I know I have a grin from cheek to cheek on my face right now and I have no regrets about it, that was a much needed moment that those two had. Master looks over to me and smiles, "I'm sorry I scared you baby mouse, are you ready for this? We have two days to plan...and I even get to be here for the full moon. Hopefully us mating will make us stronger for the day of, but I have to admit that even if it doesn't I'm still going to enjoy it eathier way cause I have two bottoms to redden soon." The cocky smile on his face made everything feel right again and I hugged them both in my arms and kissed both of them deeply. "I sear to god after this I'm going to be the one punishing you two, you guys always manage to fuck things up....I still love both of you though"

They smile and kiss me back before we go and sit at the counter. "Are you hungry Master, it must have been a long run to get here?" I ask him.

"Oh yes little mouse, I'm very hungry....but I would like a side of pussy with my meal please" How can he be so calm about that? I think I just turned a new shade of red and all he did was talk!?

"O-okay " I manage to get out and slowly start walking to the bed as  feel his gaze on my back. "I think that I will read a book if you need, I'll wait until tonight when we mate before doing anything with the fanged asshole." Sir says with a laugh and I hear him move into the living room.

I giggle as my bottom hits the bed and I watch Master come in his eyes turning red as he smiles so his fangs are clearly seen. "Spread you legs my little slut, NOW" I jump as his voice raises and spread my legs wide for him.

He lets out a growl and steps closer placing his hands on my things and spreading them even wider, he leans his head down and kisses me, letting me feel his fangs against my lips before he bites them sharply. I moan loudly as his large,warm hands find my clit and rubs it slowly. I feel his hard body ontop of mine and his other hand come up to grab and squeeze my breast. "Mmm, I want to drink from your thighs,pussy,or these huge breasts? hmmmm choices." He smirks against my lips and he licks the blood off of them. I push my cunt to him when he rubs me just the right way, the next thing I know his head is between my thighs and his warm, strong tongue flicks back and forth on my clit until I can feel my orgasm getting close. He moves his hand to start rubbing my clit as he moves his head to my inner thigh and I feel his fangs playing with the skin there.

"Ohh baby you should be glad that our mating is tonight, because that means I am not going to fuck you right you will till be able to walk today." As he finished his sentene he btes into my thigh and I orgasm right then, seeing white and my hips thrusting to him.

I moan loudly and so does he as he gets warm, mouth fulls of my blood. It feels like forever until he stops, but when he does I wish with everything that I am that he hadn't. The pleasure and pain that I feel when he is drinking is amazing. "Little mouse, you need to take a nap baby and rest, I took quite a bit. Give me just a bit and I'll be back with a snack and your Daddy okay?"

I jod my head and true to his words a little while later I am snuggled up to both my mates and eating an awsome grilled cheese.

"After your nap babygirl be prepared because tonight we mate......." Daddy says as I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

Okay people here is your chapter, i love all of you and I must say if there are any mistakes just remember I am so very close to little space right now and the fact that there are not random "W's" everywhere and I actually used punctuation is a massive step up....I luv you guys stay safe, I am going to go watch some spongebob and not be big again until I have to cause this depression shit hurts like a bitch right now and I cut a little to deep last night but I am fine I promise <3 Bye guys mwah

How I met my Daddy Doms ✔️ [comepleted]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum