4-Uh Oh-

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^^Cute things up above ^^
--- TW: cutting/self- harm ---
"Nuuuuu!!!" I pout as somebody takes my pillow aways. As a warm hand and a hard chest suddenly curl around me on my bed.

"Awww, Is my little wolf in little space?" A warm, deep voice which I recognize as Acey's ( my new nickname for him :) )whispers into my ear a small laugh making shivers go down my spine. I shake my head 'yes' as I push my face harder into my blanket, so he does not see my tear-stained face and puffy red eyes. I let out a small whine making him laugh.

"It is time to get up my baby wolf. There is bacon downstairs and orange juice."

My ears instantly perk up at orange juice it being my favorite thing besides energy drinks and coffee. As I start to move he gets out of bed, I stop right before my face comes off the blanket. He must have noticed something was up because he lifted my chin up with his finger and did a double-take.

"Baby--- Never mind we will talk about this when you are big again."

Whew, thank goodness I did not want to deal with that right now instead I looked up at him with my big doe eyes and said... "Uppies, Daddy?"
I realized what I said as a look of surprise washed over his face. But thankfully he just let out a deep laugh while picking me up and putting me on his hip, before he started carrying me downstairs.

I played with his short. dark, curly hair which was in dreads gently curling it around my finger when all of a sudden the smell of coffee hit my nose. "Want coffeeeeeeeee" My excited voice carrying across the kitchen with my mom's features visibly darkening, but I refuse to let that affect me.

"No baby you can't have coffee you are too little." Daddy quickly replies sitting me down on the floor. I start crying, suddenly very upset.
"I want coffee I am not young I have a coffee every day you idiot! I fucking don't care what you say" I shout walking over to the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup of coffee but as soon as I go to grab the milk I am being scooped up in strong arms.

"Good job little wolf you just got your first punishment. Now I will give you a choice since this is your first one do you want corner time or do you want to write me lines?" Daddy asks.

"She deserves to get her ass beat," my mom says under her breath, but it was still loud enough for us to hear since we are wolves. I feel more tears running down my face in hot salty rivers.

"I will decide what is right for my baby not you" he growls clearly not happy about the way she spoke about me.

He carries me upstairs after I told him I choose to do corner time. "You will stay here for ten minutes do you understand why you are being punished?"
I nod my head, yes, but he tells me to use my words, so I mutter out a quite "Yes, sir"

Who knew ten minutes could take sooooo loooong I feel like I have been sitting here for years. I stopped trying to get up though because each time I did the Big Bad Wolf would add 30 seconds to my time.

After my corner time was up he came over to me and picked me putting me on his lap and walking us back downstairs to my father's office. He sat down on one of the dark red overstuffed chairs and my father began to talk as I scooted and wiggled around on Acey's lap. He put his hands on my hips bringing my wiggling to a stop as he pulled me into his chest.

" The attacks are getting closer, one of my warriors said that it was a clan of vampires, old ones too." My father smelled worried but fearless. There was an awkward silence before he continued..." We need to be ready for war if it comes to it. I expect since you are my daughter's mate you will also be part of that war since our two pacts are now allies.

"Yes I will prepare my men and if you need any support it will be given but know I will choose my mate and my pack first always, and that will not change." His chest vibrating against my back as he speaks and his breath blowing past my ear and neck. My core is like a waterfall at this point I am turned on beyond words but keep myself in check in front of my father.

" The worst has yet to come through, the word is that the reason the vampires are here is for Bella. When they passed our pack they smelled her scent, and apparently, she is one of the higher-up's mate." My father's face is sad his wrinkles and age showing through even though wolves age slowly.

"NNNNOOOOOOOO", I whimper from my mate's loud outburst, "they will not have her."

"I know that but we both know that the mate bond will reach her eventually and when it does, she will crave him, and it will physically hurt her if she does not accept him. Plus it seems that her vampire mate wants her, or they would not have attacked so many towns just to get here. "

"There must be another way." Ace's voice a mix of anger and hurt.

I can not handle the tension in the room my powers are picking up on the anger and anxiousness and I feel sick. I get up and run out of the room not being able to handle it anymore, quickly up the stairs locking myself in the bathroom and grabbing my emergency razor before putting my arm over the side of the tub, so I don't make a mess.

"No, I can't. I promised Ace that I wouldn't" I say to myself half-heartedly. I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs, but I couldn't care less I was shaking and crying my powers too strong for me to control I felt myself spiraling. Not only that, but I was the reason all those people died it was my fault that the vampires were coming this way. I bring the razor across my skin watching it cut like paper as the blood drips down onto the white porcelain tub. I cry and shake staying that way cutting myself on the same scars from years of doing this. Then I hear knocking on the door for a brief second before all sounds fade out and black spots start entering my vision.

I heard a loud crash but was too far gone to wake up and see what it was. I felt arms pick me up and whimpered out, "Daddy" before the black took over and I finally passed out.

This chapter was a little sadder, but I want her to learn to love herself and we all have to start somewhere. Also, I based this character off of myself and I am trying really hard to stop cutting and learn to love myself so I thought that maybe I could try to grow along with the character in my book. Plz stay safe beautiful humans I love you all and I know that times are hard but please know I love you and am here for all of you.

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Question for you all---What is your favorite mystical creature/animal/thing?

How I met my Daddy Doms ✔️ [comepleted]Where stories live. Discover now