Anger over nothing

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I feel lips caressing my neck and cheeks as I let out a soft purr.

“Aww, look at our sweet little kitten, It's time to wake up baby girl.” Daddy softly growls.

I open one eye to see my gorgeous mates grinning down at me.

“Let's go for a date today and I think that we should move everything into my house...including both of you. “ I look at Master as he says those words and at the determined look in his dark, beautiful eyes.

I then turn my gaze over to Daddy to see a face of approval from him, and then something clicked.

“You guys didn't go back to sleep, did you? You guys stayed up talking without me.” I knew my voice was harsh, but to be honest I was kind of pissed the hell off. Some might tell me that I was being irrational, but I don't give two fucks.

“The MAIN FUCKING thing about this relationship is that we talk and communicate fulling with one another. You two can't just leave me out of these important conversations!!! Especially when it has to do with where we are going to LIVE! That is not something you two can just decide without me.”

I hop out of the bed like a fucking bull and walk out of the room before either one could catch me. I rush outside and turn into my wolf form before taking a run through the woods.

I know I should have handled that better and not been such an asshole, I even know that I am going to get punished for cussing, but most of all I am still angry. Did they not understand that I need to be part of conversations like that? Would anyone else be okay with your S/O just springing the fact that you are going to live somewhere else on you right when you wake up?

I start to slow as to catch my breath and look into the beautiful river that flows through this area. I sniffle and let out a howl, knowing that if Ace or Gabriel are even remotely listening for me, they will be able to hear me. I need to talk to them, I need to try to explain myself, and I want a fucking apology while we talk too.

Suddenly I feel two strong arms around me, and before I could even blink I had sunken my teeth into one of them.

“Fuck, little mouse. I know your pissed but did you really have to BITE me?”

I was still in my wolf form, causing my powers to be stronger, so I could sense the pain and hut that he was feeling.

“I'm sorry, I figured since you howled you wanted us to find you. Next time I won't come, I promise.” He pulled his arm out from under my teeth, and you could see his flawless dark skin begin to heal.

'Thank god he is a vampire, if he was human he might have died from that bite. Plus if he had been Ace I would have gotten bitten back because his alpha would have taken control of him.'

I let out a whimper at the pain and disapproval of my master standing above me.

“Little mouse, I would like to take you on a date, and so would Ace, but I understand that you need more time. If you need time, then take it. I know we might have gone a little fast on you last night, and this morning, so when you want to talk or go out with us, just come back to the house we will be waiting.”

I fucked up. I bit my mate. I ran away from them. What is even worse is my master is not even MAD, he is just hurt. I hurt my master. I hurt my Daddy. Why am I like this? Why couldn't just sit down and talk to them?

I hear a rush of wind and know that Gabriel is gone, and I am alone once again. Can I do anything besides fuck shit up? I feel salty tears sliding down my fur as I lay down with my head on my paws.

'What if they don't want me anymore' I keep having thoughts float into my mind that just make me cry harder. None are pleasant but one sticks out more than the others and hurt 10 times as bad.

How I met my Daddy Doms ✔️ [comepleted]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя