3-What do I do now?-

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^^^ look at the cute things above ^^^

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout thinking it was my brother coming to wake me up but quickly figured out it wasn't when I felt two sharp smacks to my bum.

"Little wolf... you will NOT cuss! Even more so when you are in my presence. I know that you have not known me that long, but one of my biggest rules is that you will not cuss. We obviously need to go over the rules soon little wolf." He growls a frown deeply set on his face.

"I--I thought you were my brother," I say weakly. SHIT that was not what I meant to say why was I so polite I should have been proud and strong not just basically apologized for doing nothing wrong. What is up with me, I think to myself as I put my hand on my head.

"Why did you wake me up and why in the hell did you just spank me?" My voice strong as I finally got my composure back.
I hear a deadly growl low in his throat. "Don't even start, hell is not a bad word it is simply a place if you believe in it," I say before he can even start to scold me again.

"Ok, so the first thing we are doing after your shower is going over the rules because you my little pet are breaking all of them quite quickly."
"Who said I was even going to be your mate? I don't want you!" I shout at him suddenly fully awake and for some reason really fucking angry.
Not only that, but I could see his eye start twitching as his wolf takes over and his eyes turn to a blackish color, his voice coming out deeper than normal.

"You are my mate baby wolf, and you will NOT ever say those words again. I am your, and you are mine it was fated by the Moon goddess to happen and it will be so. Do you hate me that much?"

I could see and smell the hurt and sadness that he was feeling when he said the last part and regretted what I had said. "No, I am sorry I really should not have said that I am just really irritable this morning and was not being very kind. I understand that we are mates and that we will be together. I also understand that there are rules we must go over bur may I ask... why do I feel so mad for no reason?"

"Well little wolf that would be because you are on your period. Go take a shower and I will go get you some pads or tampons if you need, but meet me back here in your room in 30 mins do you understand?"

"O-o-okay, umm andnothankyouonthepads," I say in a hurry quickly mumbling out the last part and trying to jump out of bed but two strong, dark arms went around my waist before I could. Pulling me into his lap, he put a finger under my chin making me look up at his eyes.

"Little wolf listens to me, you never need to be afraid or embarrassed to tell me anything ok. Now repeat the part you mumbled out because I do not work well with mumbles I want clear full words."
"I said no thank you on the pads." My voice was quiet and my cheeks were so red that I mist likely looked like a big strawberry.
"Ok go get a shower then." He pats me on the bum and gives me a small smile that sends flutters to my belly and farther down to my core which is now wet from his very generous arms being around me.

I walk to the bathroom taking a quick shower and shaving my legs before getting dressed being sure not to forget my pad. Then head back to my bedroom as he told me to. For some reason the fight that I had and the unwillingness to have a mate seemed to have gone. Now all I feel like doing is cuddling and coloring with him.

Just as I sit on the bed he comes back in with a glass of orange juice and a plate of eggs and toast. "Here little wolf you need to eat breakfast." I also see that he has a paper in his hands no doubt the "rules" I will be expected to follow. "Now little wolf let's get started with your rules they are straight forward and simple, you will always be able to ask if you have a question, and at the end of this paper, I need you to sign your name saying you agree after we have gone over them and if there are any changes needed. Ok?"

I nod my head yes and take a sip of my OJ (orange juice btw)

"Alright, little one here we go...

1. Always call me daddy/sir it does not matter who we are around or where we are unless they are human.

2. Do NOT cuss at any point in time

3. Bedtime is at 11:00 pm unless I say anything else

4. You must eat at least 3 meals a day

5.You will not harm or endanger yourself on purpose

6.You must do 60 mins of activity for your health

7.Take your meds every day and follow your self-care routine

8.Tell me good morning and goodnight always

9.Do not lie or keep secrets

11. Must accept all complements I give you and must not talk bad about yourself

10.Rules can be added or changes at any time as long as both of us agree.

This was going to be a disaster can't deal with these rules. I hate my chubby body that has stretch marks all over it. I haven't eaten three meals a day in years. I feel like crying as I think about not being able to cut myself, it is what keeps me sane. I hate who I am but it does not matter I want him and I will work to hide my insecurities from him so that maybe he will want me. But as I think of how much he means to me no matter how much I did not want a mate, I have to say he has grown on me. So when I smell he is getting worried, I quickly nod my head yes and tell him I agree to all of his rules while signing my name on the paper.

What will he do when he finds out about who I am he is going to hate me. After he tells me that he has to go talk with my father about the attacks I stay in my room holding a pillow since my mom would never let me have a stuffie and cry for what feels like hours until my eyes finally close, and I fall into a restless sleep. Once more thanking that the walls are soundproof so that no one will have to listen to my cries.

I hope you like this my beautiful people I love you all and please stay safe!!
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