2-Why me of all people....well wolves?-

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^^^^ Cute things in the box above ^^

After my father dismissed me that day I went to my room angry but still ended up watching Mulan, because I mean who wouldn't? But now it is the morning that the Blood Moon pack is going to be here so my father woke me up telling me to wear something nice and put my bad attitude somewhere else.

I can smell the tension in the air as well as the feast that is waiting downstairs. I quickly put on some ripped jeans and an MHA shirt with my favorite pair of converses. Walking out of my room that my dad has nicknamed the "cave" since I painted all the walls black and everything else is decorated in grey or blue. I try to make my footsteps quiet so as to not mess up the atmosphere which is already on edge, my steps are slow and steady dreading the meeting with the worthless alpha that has mocked my pack for years.

When I finally get to the kitchen and have nowhere left to go or anything else I can do to stall, I walk in a suddenly feel all eyes on me. Then a slow, deep, hard, and most of all extremely fucking sexy voice suddenly says .... "MINE." His voice shook the room and I immediately looked down at the alpha voice overpowering me so much I felt like melting into the floor. Once I clear my head for a second I bolt out of the house running as if my ass was on fire. Faster, faster I tell myself, shifting into my wolf form and running straight into the woods.

I hear many running behind me, some in human form while others shifted into their wolf form. I keep going my wolf trying to tell me to go back to my mate but I was too afraid and I was too angry to listen to her I pushed myself harder and ran faster until all of a sudden I stopped. Not knowing why because my paws were still in motion and I was still telling my body to move but I was still going nowhere.

"Well my pretty little wolf, did you enjoy our little run? I know I sure did."

The sexy - NO I tell myself I will not call his voice sexy he is the one thing I NEVER wanted I will not give him the satisfaction. But deep down my wolf still chimed in saying his "hot" voice fills my head and I stopped moving.

Looking up to see his wolfish smirk across his face and smelling the happiness pouring off of him.

"Let go of me you brute!" I growl, trying to sound scary but even I know I was failing miserably. "Now why would I let go of you my little wolf?"
My wolf side almost purred at his nickname for us. I quickly shut her up before she could make a sound. Before I knew it we were back at the house, I had not even realized that we had moved. But beyond that, he had carried me all the way back and I had not even noticed!

He sat me down on the front lawn and looked directly into my eyes I had to fight not to lose eye contact his alpha side making me want to bow my head but I would not give in.

"Shift" he stated using his alpha voice. I badly wanted to punch him,but  his voice made my wolf side want to crawl into his lap and watch a princess movie or color a pretty picture for him.
"NO!" as much as his alpha voice was affecting me since he was not my alpha and I had a strong bloodline I could put up a fight but my fight was slowly draining and I could feel myself slowly shifting back while he let out a low growl telling everyone to look away. I finally noticed why when I felt the air cold against my skin I had shifted back and was naked!!

My cheeks were hot and I tried to crawl into a ball as a way to hide my body from him. But he would not allow it instead he shifted back and I closed my eyes not wanting to see him naked. He picked me up off the ground and started carrying me.

"You can open your beautiful eyes my little wolf, I have shorts on I promise." I shook my head no and against myself I nuzzled my head into his neck. When I felt the warm, soft blanket of my bed I opened my eyes and sure enough, he was wearing a pair of Nike shorts.

"Here," he said, handing me a large shirt that he pulled from a backpack I had not known he carried. It was obviously his from the smell of it, but figuring that it was better than staying in front of him naked I put it on.

"Good, little wolf," he said sending very unwanted flutters to my stomach.
"Now my baby wolf, I feel we got off on the wrong foot. Hi! my name is Ace Blood-Moon from the Blood moon pack and you my little mate are soon to be the Luna and my little girl." I sat shocked a part of me happy and wanting to climb into his lap, while the other half of me wanted to fight or run away.
I just nodded my head as my eyes slowly started to close until I had drifted off to sleep.

Well beautiful people 9 people have seen my book so far !!!!! So I decided I would continue to write a little bit and maybe make someone's day a little brighter. I love you all and stay safe. <3

Plz vote and comment where you are from!!

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