You son of a bitch.

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It had been hours since Gabriel told Ace and I what was going on, I have finally stopped running and now I just sit. Watching fish in the pond that I found, wondering what I should do next.

Even though I know I should go back and talk to them like the adult I am, all I want to do is cry and scream. The anger I feel at Gabriel for just wanting us to be sent away is strong, but underneath that rage I'm hurt. The hurt hits me like a fucking truck as a fish jumps out of the water and the stars start to come out. After scratching and clawing at trees and yelling in rage, now the only thing I feel is a calm pain in my chest...or abandonment.

I know that it sounds stupid, I was the one that went running away from him, but it feel like he thinks I'm not even worth fighting for. At the first fucking sign of trouble he just decides to send us away from him. I have no more tears left to cry anymore and I'm shaking through my fur from the cold, but I'm too stubborn to turn back. I hear Ace howl about an hour ago and judging by the crashing ounds I heard earlier I would say that there are quite a few trees down from his wrath.

If I'm being honest with myself though, I don't even want to face him right now. I know I need to go back but I don't know how I will act when I get there. I can't even face my own mates at the moment, what the fuck is wrong with me. We should be sitting down and working this out, but the only thing any of us managed to do was run or let the other run. I pick my paws up from the ground and start movie towards a cave I found next to the water, I don't care that I don't care that Gabriel wanted me to leave tonight. If he finds me and drags me kicking and screaming to where ever the fuck he wants us to go then that is his problem. The only thing I want to do is rest my sore body and sleep.

Once I get to the cave I find a flat, less rough spot and lay down. My fur no longer doing anything to help me against the freezing cold temperatures around me. I rest my head on my paws and let everything fade as I close my eyes, tears falling down and hitting my paws as I slowly drift to sleep.


I wake up to a crashing sound from outside the cave and open my eyes to see it is still dark outside. I slowly pick myself up and walk towards the mouth of the cave, my tired body ready to fight if it happens to be dangerous. But as I get to the mouth of the cave, the only thing I see is another huge wolf, which I quickly recognized as Ace.

I let out a deep growl, trying me best to tell him to stay away. I know none of this is his fault, but I don't want to be near them right now. I need space.

"I know you are angry little wolf, but maybe Gabriel is right. As angry as I am about him wanting to send us away, if it keeps you safe then I...I have go agree"

I snap my teeth at him as I hear his voice in my head through our link.

"There had been a car waiting for us for a while, I went back about an hour ago. Gabriel has sent out vampires to look for us. Our things are packed and ready to go. They have been looking for a while and if we don't go back soon he is going to come out here himself. Think about it, do you really want to have to deal with him right now?" Ace's voice fills my head once again.

How could he be saying these things? He was just as angry as me not that long ago?

I walk back into my cave and lay back down facing away from the mouth of the cave where Ace still stands looking directly at me.

The thing that really hurts though, is that Gabriel didn't even bother to look for us based on what Ace said. Ace's words were,"sent out vampires to look for us." Not "He went out coming to look for us". I laugh as best I can and lay my head back on my paws.

Shortly after everything goes silent until Ace starts to walk into the cave. "No!" I say through our link, but it just comes out weak and broken. "I'm coming into that cave little one." Ace replies back to me.


Ace doesn't listen though and keeps walking towards me, I jump up my body getting into my defense pose and I growl. I let him know through everything but my words that if he keeps moving towards me I will fight.

Just as I'm about to jump on him, Gabriel comes into the cave. His eyes glowing red and nails out, I change my movement just in time to catch Gabriel's sholder with my teeth. He doesn't even flinch. He looks at me and the only words he growls out are, "You can hate me all you fucking want, but you will not be anywhere near here when my family arrives." Then I feel a needle pushed into my neck and every thing goes dark.

Well this is the new chapter, I kinda hate it but I think it works maybe...sorry it took me forever to update. There are going to be alot of spelling errors because I only have a bad connection where I am on vacation. The fact that my phone worked long enough for me to write this is amazing. LOVE U GUYS

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