10-well, this is a shit show...lol

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"Little mouse you have to come out at some point" I hear through the door not even five minutes after he sat down.

I was too busy in my own head to care. 'I did it again, I always fuck things up. The last time it was when I cut myself with Ace, but now it's because I slapped Gabriel. Wtf is wrong with me? Why can't I do anything right?' All of these thoughts are rushing through my head and I notice my breathing starts to spike.

Breath rushes in and out of my lungs nonetheless I still feel as though I can't breathe. I'm shaking violently when Gabriel's strong voice comes through the door.

"I can hear your heartbeat and breathing through this door little mouse. If you do not open it soon I will take down this door. I refuse to just sit here while you have a panic attack in my bathroom...... especially when it was my fault." He says the last part so quietly I can barely hear it through the door.

I try to get up but I am shaking too badly so I let out a whimper and all of a sudden there is a quick crash of the door falling before I feel strong arms wrap around me and hold me to his chest.

"I am so sorry little mouse, I should never have yelled or insulted you. I was scared and am afraid of admitting it. I have always been afraid of showing my fear and so I replace it with anger. I should have known better than to do that with you. I apologize and I really hope you can forgive me."

I realize that my breathing and heart rate has slowed just by him holding me close and rubbing my back.

"I forgive you," I say quietly. I truly did forgive him, after so many years of other people's feelings and emotions I understand replacing certain ones with anger. Most of all sadness or fear.

We stayed sitting on his bathroom floor on the fluffy black road for a few more minutes before he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed.

"Sit here while I get everything ready to go back to your pack okay?" He kneels in front of me so that we are eye to eye as he speaks.

I simply nod my head yes and even though I can tell he is displeased with my nonverbal response but chooses to let it go as he stands back up and continues packing.


As he leads me out of his house and towards the garage I began to wonder what his car looks like since his house is so nice.

He pushes in a code and the door pulls up.

"Holy shit" I curse as I see that there are a shit ton of nice cars in this "garage" which is the size of a fucking nice house

He gives me a scolding look for using "unladylike words" and continues walking in until we reach a fine-ass Dodge Charger that is pitch black with a window tint that I am 90% sure is illegal.

"Is this too flashy? I do not want you to be uncomfortable showing up at your pack." He is humble as he asks this and I can see the concern in his eyes.

"No it's fine, but thank you for thinking about that," I say quietly flushing a deep shade of red.

He loads the bags into the trunk after he opens the car door and makes sure I am seated.

When he finally gets in the car and turns he turns to ask me. "Are you ready to go?'

" Yes, Master " I reply with a bright smile on my face.

"You can turn the radio to whatever you want little mouse. " he chuckles as I stare at the radio wondering if I could.

I finally decide to turn it to the rap station and Eminem comes on. I start rapping along to the song when all of a sudden I freeze my mouth hanging open.

'His hand I on my thigh! Repeat his hand is on my thigh' my brain goes off like a warning light.

I look down at his arm which is covered in his usual black suit and his strong dark hands that have managed to slip under my short black skirt.

Oh shit!! I am so fucking wet this cannot be happening, I think as I squeeze my legs together.

The ride to my pack was only thirty minutes and the car time was spent with Gabriel laughing every time I tried to cover my blush.

When we pulled up to the quiet, comfy packhouse he got out of the car after turning it off and jogged around to my side. He opened the door and offered me his arm to help me get out. I put my converse covered foot out onto the driveway and got out of the car.

"Are you ready lit-- wait, something doesn't smell right?" He is visibly stressing and I can see a sweat bead on his forehead.

"Master what's wrong??" I ask.

"I have another mate?" He says with a questioning tone like he can't believe what he is smelling.

My gut drops so far down I swear it was in my feet. He's got another mate, I bet she is skinny and pretty. He's going to pick her over me, isn't he? He's going to reject me and keep her.

He must have seen the look on my face and in my eyes because he put his finger clad finger under my chin and lifted my head up.

"You are my mate, do not ever think otherwise. Do you understand me? No matter who this person is we will figure it out just like we are figuring out what to do with your other mate."

My nerves were still high and I probably felt like a vibrator from how much I was shaking. But his reassuring voice and words made me feel a little better.

He puts his warm hand on my back and practically pushes me into the packhouse. When we open the door he stops me, "take your shoes off, little pet."

"Yes, master" I reply and for the first time I take my shoes off before walking into my house. He follows and takes his off as well, then continues leading me in the house toward the living room.

Before we can even make it a foot in the door Ace has me up against a wall bearing his teeth at Gabriel.

"Why the fuck did you have my mate. Wait what?? Mate??" His voice is a deep growl and to be honest, he looks like shit. He must have had a hard time with me being missing even though it was just one day.

"Bella, who is he? Ace asks again, " and why is he smell all over you?"

"No, that's not it...we are mates?"
The two of them say in unison both wide-eyed and a hint of fear in both of their eyes.

"A vampire?????" Ace almost shouts.

"A male????" whispers Gabriel.

" I think we should sit down," I say calmly grabbing each of their hands a going to the kitchen table. I have never been so thankful that my family is not here.

I sit in the middle of the two men embarrassed but ready to get all of it out on the table and figure out what we are going to do next.

'Here we go motherfuckers' I think to myself as I put my purse down on the floor beside me.

Author's note down below

Well, the next chapter or two will be them talking a figuring their shit out and then after that, we can get to the steamy parts!!!!

Also, I have a question should I keep putting questions at the bottom for you guys to answer or should I just tell you guys something about myself and you can tell me something about yourselves in the comments??

Almost 700 views I love you all so much, thank you.

How I met my Daddy Doms ✔️ [comepleted]Where stories live. Discover now