What the fuck Gabriel?

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When the sun starts showing through the the window, I open my eyes and take a look around. Remembering last nights events I blush, and cover my face with my hands. I hear a quiet chuckle behind me and notice that both of my mates are bare-chested and looking at me. My blush gets even worse as I let out a moan of frustration, "Don't look at me like that. My body feels like it got fucking recked last night."

"Well, little mouse it kinda did." Master replied with a heavy amount of sarcasm, "Also, I am going to need you to remember your place in this relationship. I know you had a good night last night, and you are more then likely sore right now, but that gives you no excuse to talk to me or you Daddy like that."

"I know I am sorry Master." My voice is still happy, but my appology is real.

"So, you two...we need to talk about when we are all going to offically mate. I know we had sex last night, but neither one of us marked you. If we do not mark you soon then you will go through a forced heat, and will not really have a say in the matter." Daddy chimes in, why the fuck does he have to be such a party killer. I just fucking woke up, but at the same time I am glad they want mating to be my choice and not just wait until my body makes me.

"There is a full moon coming up in two days, that would be the best time for all of us to mate, because two of us are werewolves." I decide to throw out there,trying to contribute to the conversation.

"Alright, baby girl. Looks like I only have to wait two more days until I can mark that beautiful neck of yours with my teeth." I roll my eyes at daddy before getting a swat on my butt.

"Lets get up and get coffee before we have to talk about the next subject at hand." Master's face is strict and through my powers I can feel the negitve emotions rolling off of him. This causes me to sober up quickly, and move out of the bed towards the dresser to get some clothes on since they didn't bother to put clothes on me last night. (pervy doms lol). I slip into one of Daddy's shirt that have a random band name on it before following them down the hallway and into Master's fucking HUGE kitchen.

"How do you want your coffee everyone?" Master asks as he goes over to the already filled coffee pot.

"Black, please Gabriel" Daddy responds causing Master to turn his head to me..."With loads of sugar and cream please." I reply.

Once all of our drinks are made master moves us into the living room where I sit on Daddy's lap so that both of our attention is focused on Master.

"So, what is the hard subject about?" Ace asks Master while rubbing his hand on my thighs.

"Both of you know that I run a powerful coven, but I do not think eathier of you know why..." I can see the almost pained look on Master's face causing my belly to twist into knots, "My family is very powerful, the first vampires to ever be made to be exact. They are much more strict than most vampire rulers today, they do not believe in making a treaty or hearing out the other side. They only wish to kill all were-wolves. They are making a visit to see how the coven is doing in about three days, before they get any where near here I need both of you to be far, far away. If my family finds out about you, both of you will die." Master's voice is strong and firm, but at the same time I can hear and feel the helplessness in his voice.

"But your coven does not attack were-wolves? If your family wants to kill all were-wolves, then why have you not started wars?" I hear my voice before I even think about the words coming out. Master looks like I just stabbed him with a stake.

"I am not the monster that my family wants me to be, I love BOTH of you too much to ever wish to harm you. I am not fond of your kind, but I would never kill those who do not deserve it." Master gives a pointed look at Daddy as if to tell him that he loves him too.

"I will not RUN from a fucking vampire Gabriel! I am a motherfucking alpha, the strongest one on this side of the fucking world! Do you just want me to run with my tail between my legs because a big bad blood sucker is coming into town?" Daddy's voice is rough and loud as he grabs my leg a little too tightly.

His eyes flash for a second signaling that his wolf took over before they flash back and he rubs my leg, quicklymuttering a 'sorry' in my ear. I reach behind myself and rub his chest trying to keep the two from having an all out war in the middle of the living room.

"No Ace, I do not want any of those things," Master says with his head down and his fangs out. I can tell he is angry but I know it is not anger AT us but FOR us. "I want you two to be safe, I have finally found my mates after all these fucking years and I will be damned if my family is the reason they get hurt....or worse. I have made sure that all of my vacationing homes have been cleaned and fully stocked with everything you might need, you two just need to pick which one you want to go to and I will set up the arrangements for your travel. You two will be leaving tonight, that is final." The firmness in his voice lets me know that this is the only option he is going to consider.

Daddy picks me up off his lap and sets me on the couch before leaving the room and rushing outside. I hear a howl a few seconds after the door slams closed and know that his wolf has come out. I look up with tears falling down my cheeks and see Gabriel with a sad look in his eye, "So what, as soon as things get hard you just send us away?" My voice is loud and shaky and I know that my voice is filled with hurt and sarcasm. I know that he should punish me for the way I am speaking to him, but he looks to broken to even care. He simply looks at his shoes and wispers out, "I am sorry little mouse, but you will leave tonight if I have to force you. I will not have you getting hurt."

Can't he see I was already hurting? That I already felt the pain of him making us go away? I know that he wants to keep us safe, but what will happen if they ever come to check up on the coven again, he just sends us away? What about our mating that was supposed to happen in two days, Ace and I won't even fucking be near Gabriel. I get up and run out of the house, not even bothering to shut the door or wonder how childish I look.

I shift into my wolf form... and do the only thing I can think of... run.

Alright everyone that is the end of this chapter, I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to update. I love all of you guys and I hope you are all doing wel. I thank each and everyone of you that have read, commented, or voted for my story.

Fun thing to try-Try to explain who you are/you personality in emojis in the comments....I'll put mine in there too!!!

Love you guys as always stay safe!!!

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