156. Twoset Manga-ka VIII

Start from the beginning

"Brett.. when was the last time you saw someone?"


"When was the last time you saw someone in person? Not just walking past them in a supermarket but y'know, actually interacted with someone."

"Um...um.. wait.. oh, geez, f*ck... when did we go into lockdown?"

"5 weeks ago."

"Well then it would've been 5 weeks ago. When you and I were still in the studio. We went into lockdown shortly after that. Geez you really lose track of time..."



"You haven't been with anyone since??"

"Well.. I saw my GP last week to get my first vaccine shot? Does that count?"

"Did you have a conversation with him?"

"Nah, we were instructed to minimise talking."

"Well then, no it doesn't count..!"

"Geez this sucks. I didn't realise I hadn't seen anyone.. I mean I still feel like I see you everyday because you call me everyday and lately you've been insisting we show video while collaborating or do facetime...Eddy?"

"W, what?"

"Have you been doing that for my sake?"

Eddy shifted his eyes, then grimaced. He knew he must have looked like a manga character caught out lying. He blushed a little as he stammered.

"N, not entirely.. Brett, ..I've also been getting a bit stir crazy due to lack of company, so..."

"You seem to be holding up okay though?"

"Well.. I'm still working my other job as well so I'm still interacting with people, even though they're colleagues.. at least there are a couple of them I get along with okay and known for while."

Eddy worked as a freelancing financial adviser, though work was scarce, he still had opportunities to speak to his regular clients and customers.

"Geez, cos y'know while I do know my editor's full name, we still call each other by our alias.. it's a very detached relationship, if you can even call it one. I mean we rarely interact..."

Eddy bit his lower lip, then looked up into his phone.  Brett would've seen a very determined look from him.

"Brett.. "


"Will you form a singles bubble with me?"

"..A what?"

"Single people who live alone can now nominate one person to visit you once a day. It's a new initiative to help them from feeling isolated."

"Oh. I haven't been paying attention to the news much."

Eddy chuckled.

"Yeah, I know you're a bit like that Brett."

"So, what, this thing....?"

"I want you to be my singles' bubble partner, Brett."

"You do?!"

"Yeah. Unless you have someone else in mind, like one of your family members?"

"No.. you're the person I've been seeing the most before lockdown and the one I miss the most."

Brett realised what he had said and had to resist the temptation of covering up his camera so that Eddy wouldn't see him blushing.

"OMG Brett"

Brett stammered.

"I, I mean, Eddy, of course, naturally, right? Since, y'know, I've been seeing you the most till this lockdown happened..."

"Y, yeah, Brett, of course, it's just natural that.. we'd miss each other the most.. because, y'know, we'd been seeing each other the most. Yeah, absolutely."

"Yeah, absolutely."

"Too right"

"Good.  I mean, great"

"Yeah, fan-bloody-tastic"

Brett shook his head to refocus.

"So.. Eddy, if we're on a mutual agreement, when can I see you in person?"

"Well.. I could come by this afternoon if you want?"

Brett perked up.  His change in mood was instantaneous and clearly visible.

"Really?! You'd do that??"

"Yeah, of course"

"That would be fantastic. So I'll see you in a few hours? A couple of hours?"

"I'll see you in a couple of hours, Brett."

"Awesome!! Great!! I'm really looking forward to it! So I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"


Brett had hung up already.

Eddy rolled his eyes, then started texting.

Gimme your home address Brett, I've never been to your place!

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